Thursday, November 09, 2006


I saw this as a sign in the lobby of this place I was at once. So I took the brochure and leaved through it. It was okay I guess. Although, it was nothing to brag about as far as I can tell.

The thing was a brochure about some resort place. Which was fine, but nowhere on the brochure did it say you could take a resort in addition to the brochure. I thought that was unfair.

As far as I'm concerned if you put a brochure in some clear plastic holder that has take one on it that means you expect to let people take one of what the brochure is about. But those creeps only wanted to let me have the brochure for free. They expected me to pay for the stay at the resort. Boy did I tell them what a crappy way that was to treat people.

Besides I wouldn't have wanted to go there anyway. I mean nowhere on their brochure did it show a decent picture of where they gave out some jelly beans.

And there is no way in the world I'm going to pay big bucks, we're talking over five dollars a night here, to stay at some place and not have them even give me a few lousy jelly beans. I ain't falling for that kind of crap.

You can be sure I told them that on the phone too. I won't bother to repeat what that lady on the phone told me, but it sure didn't give me any reason to want to sign up for visiting that place.

I suppose I might have even overlooked the business of no jelly beans seeing how they did have pictures of lots of other foods, but then they started talking crazy. Can you believe they were talking about how this place was a romantic pair of dice?

I ask you is that dumb of what? Who in the world is going to pay big bucks to go somewhere just to try and fall in love with a couple of dice? I guess they are too cheap to even let you have a pair of dice for yourself. That is because kept talking about how the pair of dice was a deal for couples.

Well it all sounds like a big rip off to me. So I passed on going there. If I want to go somewhere different I'll stick with the amusement park. At least there if they say take out it means take on for real and not some stupid big whopper about taking one you don't really get to take.

Funny how you can't even trust when people put things in writing these days. It just annoys me I guess that you got to go to all that trouble when they could put on that small clear plastic holder, take one Indian Giver style.

Oh well, at least I have warned other so they don't get suckered in by it. And it is like they say, a word to the wise is deficient. Hopefully that will make sure nobody else gets fooled by those darn brochures.


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