Friday, November 03, 2006


Man I'm convinced that the people who make signs figure everyone is an idiot. I mean do we really need a sign saying no u turn? I think you could make it better by saying, "hey, clown just keep going forward and keep your stupid mouth shut or I'll clobber you in the process."

Okay that might not fit very good on a sign I suppose. I guess I'm just kind of tired of seeing too much stuff that shouldn't have to be said.

There are just certain things in life that shouldn't need to be explained from my point of view. You know they are things you can count on no matter what.

Like everyone who goes to a movies knows that the bad guys can shoot straight and the good guys never miss. The bad guys run out of bullets, but the good guys never do.

It all is pretty obvious, the good guys just got better equipment that's all. I mean after all if you were selling bullets would you keep the good ones for the guy who will blast the bad guys or some bad guy who might use them on you?

That's another of those obvious things we all know we got to just understand without any need for discussion. At least I'm satisfied with the answer or meaning or whatever.

As for this sign business I wonder if you could replace them with something else. Like a giant hand that reaches out and chokes you if you screw up. Yeah, I bet people wouldn't do it again if that happen.

See that is part of the problem from my point of view, nobody is willing to come up with any really good ideas or alternatives. I don't think it would be that tough, I just think it is a matter of being reasonable.

Reasonable to me is when you get your point across in a way that everyone understands it without a need to argue. That is what I need a bat for. It sure cuts down on some arguments.

True with some people they end up not being willing to even talk to me after that, but at least we don't argue any more, which is a good thing from my point of view. I just wish they always appreciate my efforts.

It is funny how some people get so darn picky about you trying to simplify their lives. I thought I was being helpful myself. But like it is said, you can't please everyone.

Pity you can get them all to listen to reason the easy way. Well the real easy way is if i got one of those cool good guy guns that never runs out of ammo. I've been trying to find a catalogue, but so far I haven't found one. When I do that, man am I going to have one heck of a big order. Then lets see how people get in terms of being reasonable. I bet it won't take too much ammo to solve that problem.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "If they show the same sitcom on television more than once it is a rerun. So how come commercials are called reruns too?"


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