Friday, October 27, 2006


Most of the time I end up going places I haven't been before with my buddy Otis. When I drive my moped as a rule, I just need to go to places I usually go so I don't worry about getting lost very much.

So when it comes to going to new places, I generally end up just sitting back while Otis does the driving. But a lot of times he ends up sort of expecting me to help by reading some map.

That ain't any big deal sometimes. But what kind of bugs me is you know a map can be kind of confusing at times.

At least to me. I mean for one thing, the map will say one direction is east. But when I hold it up if I'm not going the same way the map is faced then east ain't really east.

So when Otis tries to get me to explain whether we are suppose to go in a given direction all I can tell is up or down right or left. Now naturally, he'll never admit when he's gotten totally lost in some case. Oh now, he wouldn't do that.

Instead if we've been driving long enough and I can see those beads of sweat on his forehead, I can tell he is sort of stressing out a little. So I'll get nervous because I don't really like spending all day being lost either.

Now what he does to sort of act sneaky about it is to sometimes stop at some place that is close enough to the place we are suppose to be going. All I can say it is a darn good thing there are so many grocery stores and gas stations in our city. Because when he finds a close enough place because we didn't find the one in some add he saw in the paper it is a lot better than us continuing to drive forever.

I'm just glad we don't have to go out of town very often. Because at least in our city we can generally find our way back of home without too much trouble no matter who turned around we got.

I'm not sure what we would do in another city. I know one thing, it wouldn't matter how lost we got, Otis would definitely never stop and ask for directions.

I haven't quite figured out why, because he never actually explains that part. I just know it doesn't matter how much we end up confused or in some place other than where we were suppose to go, Otis won't admit to anyone we are lost.

He'll call it something else. Like we are lost, but not really lost. It still don't seem that different to me.

About the only good thing is if we get lost enough we eventually end up stopping somewhere for something to eat. So I do get to eat at lots of different places and at least with a full tummy you don't seem to worry about being lost as much.

Thought for the week: "What's with this stupid movie rating thing? P to me is boring so does it stand Pee as in you need to go to the bathroom to keep from going to sleep?"


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