Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I know seals are. They are those big things that swim in the ocean, but aren't fish and they make kind of honking noise.

Sounds to me like they sort of have an identity crisis though what we being confused over whether or not they are fish. I guess that is why some of them end up taking part time jobs working at zoos and doing cute tricks. Then there are the other ones that go into the Military they call Navy Seals.

I reckon they don't bother to join the Army or Air Force seeing how they love to spend so much time in the ocean and all. I do kind of wonder if they have much trouble getting a uniform to fit. Plus I'm not all that clear on what it is that they need with money. Seems like the ones in the ocean don't worry about it from best I can tell.

Now what is kind of crazy to me are when they get all hung up having to be involved with some kind of holiday. I think everyone knows that Christmas is for Santa Claus, his elves and reindeer. How come those darn seals got to horn in and become Christmas Seals? What do they do dress up in a red whatever and put on some fake beard? Sounds kind of dumb to me.

Then there are the other ones that hang around for Easter. Now I ask you does the Easter Bunny worry about them as competition. Personally, I would trust getting some chocolate egg from an Easter Seal. I bet it would be filled with fish or smell like salt water. Who would want that.

So I reckon seals do have their reasons for doing other things than hanging around the ocean all the time. Heck, maybe the get worried about their skin getting all wrinkled if they don't go out and play at something else at times. I know that is what happens to my skin if I stay in the water all the time.

It is a shame they don't figure a way to play in a swimming pool instead of the ocean. I mean at least that way they could spend time working as a life guard I reckon. Just trying to help out you know?

Well given the fact that I live at the ocean and have no plans at moving there I suppose this is one time when I won't really worry about figuring this one out. Course I do know where this is this zoo. It is over at the mall. They call it a Petting Zoo. Not sure who this guy Petting Zoo, but maybe if I find him I can ask him about the seal thing.

Can't recall seeing any of those seals over in his zoo though. Maybe they were on break when I was there?

It is hard to say for sure where seals seeing how they seem to be all caught up in doing lots of stuff other than swimming. All I know is if they decided to take up grimefighting they better darn well spend their time working sewer patrol. That is about the main time we come in contact with water.


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