Wednesday, October 11, 2006


As overs go I'll take a turnover instead of a do over any day of the week. Do overs are those things you got to do where you have to do something a second time because you didn't do it right the first time. Those are hardly fun let me tell you.

I mainly get stuck with these at STINK. And most of the time by our boss, Dr. Hemoglobin.

For some silly reason he think if we didn't do our job the way he wanted the first time he sent us on assignment we need to do it over. I mean shoot man, we might have done it right the first time if he had been a little clearer on what he wanted us to do.

When he said us out to catch the bad guys that is what we are going to do. But no where in telling us does he say a single thing about making sure they are guilty first. Man talk about being picky!

As for me, I don't like taking any chances. I believe in that saying that a man is considered in-a-dent till proven he is spilt a pee. Which I take it to mean that you start out assuming he dented if he looks like he was doing something wrong and then later you prove he took a leak on something made it look like he spilt something on it. I don't intend to fall for that crap, literally or otherwise.

You would think Dr. Hemoglobin would be able to appreciate us following saying so well. But he goes on about something called the bill of rights. There he goes again getting around to money. Honestly, it is bad enough trying to figure out who is the bad guy, I sure don't want to have to pay to find out if they are the right ones.

In any case I do cope with those kinds of do overs while all the time thinking about the good ones. I'm talking about the cherry and apple kind. Now those types of turnovers are really cool.

Unless you are involved with football for some reason. I watched this game once and they were always talking about turnovers. But you know, I never saw them eat a single one.

I figured that they probably kept them hidden in their uniforms or something. And it was because they were hiding them that somebody would drop the ball. You would think that the dude would be smart enough to have eating the darn turnover first before trying to play catch with that ball.

Then they have those moments when they huddle together in some small group out in the middle of that grass. It is generally right after somebody comes running in from off the side somewhere.

Now the way I figure that is probably when the guy coming in is bringing more turnovers and for some reason they don't want us to see them. I got no idea why. I mean it ain't like we expect them to share or anything. Guess they got their reasons or maybe those helmets they wear are just too tight.


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