Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Okay, my first question with this is why in the world would a stupid drink of any kind need to go on a diet? It just don't make any sense.

As far as I can tell all drinks come in those same size cans. So where are all the fat ones that need to go on a diet? And if they are that fat then shoot I wonder what they taste like? I got to wonder.

Plus I really get confused when you know I look over on the shelf in the store and as far as I can tell there ain't no difference between the ones that say diet on them from the others. About the only difference is on the ingredients I guess. The ones on a diet always show they got no calories. Which is probably a good thing since I understand that stuff like calories does count when you are talking about dieting and stuff.

Personally, I never worry about them. I mean I've never seen a single calorie anywhere. So from my view there just ain't any reason to worry about something you can't see.

In fact I wouldn't put it passed those sneaky pop dudes to just make up this whole thing about calories just to cause those one drinks to think they are fat. Yeah, it sure is weird what some people think is cool.

But I'm not all that discouraged from my point of view. I just don't plan on feeling too sorry for those drinks with diet written all over them. Shoot if they are stupid enough to believe for second that there are really reasons for them as drinks in a can to have to diet then I guess that is there problem.

Boy I'm sure glad that isn't a problem with stuff like jelly beans. I've never seen any bag of them have a need to talk about being in need of dieting. In fact most of the time it don't seem to me that they have any type of deal where they say much at all. Guess jelly beans are smarter than diet drinks then.

As for myself, I think I'll just stick with the deal of regular soda pop. It seems to know what it wants and never puts that word diet on its can. I like that it keeps things simple.

One of these days I reckon I'm going to get this all figured out the right way. Maybe not tomorrow though. I'm going shopping for jelly beans and not going to worry about any kind of pop.

So if those diet drinks were wishing I would show up and pay attention to them they can forget it. I'm not going to do it. They'll just have to wait in my opinion.

Meanwhile, I'm going to let myself just think in terms of the good stuff. I'm sure that will make my tummy happy. And I won't even have to explain this whole deal about diets, which I'm sure would just depress it in the first place. That is one thing nobody needs is a depressed tummy. At least I sure don't care to try and have one. Here's hoping the word diet don't depress you tummy either.


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