Thursday, September 28, 2006


It can be tough knowing the difference between these if you aren't real sharp on the subject of real coolness. To be cool is to do junk in a good way that is well, cool in terms of how it affects yourself or others.

Cooler is that thing you stick junk in to make it cold. Or it is how you feel on a hot day when sitting under and air conditioner long enough to keep from sweating.

Now you can be cool and not feel cooler. Or you can be feeling cooler and not really be cool.

This is really a lot more important than some people might imagine. Which is the problem. There are just too many people out there who don't have a decent idea of truly what makes a person cool.

In some cases I doubt that some people actually care either. That is what is worse. I mean it is really sad when you see people with a cool deficiency and think it is okay.

I do feel sorry for them in some ways. Because you might be something than rich or famous, but if you are cool then at least you got some reason to be happy.

Okay to help clarify this for some people you do need to know what kinds of stuff are cool. I could mention what is cooler too, but I think that is a little easier to figure since it starts out not being hot.

Anyway, with the coolness thing here is a partial list of good cool stuff as I see it. Beanies are cool as are jelly beans. In addition clean is cool and anything used to make things clean is also cool.

That is a good place to begin. Oh yeah there is also the issue of underwear. They are cool when they are clean also. And you wear them naturally.

See if you start with those the rest will sort of come along as you need to learn them. So just work on being cool by being clean and you will have a good jump and heading down the cool path.

At least from my view. Which is why I'm just about to go out and buy some jelly beans and wear my beanie in the process. And yes I do have on clean underwear. I did take them out of the dryer too just before I put them on.

Course they were warm. But that is the one type of cool that is cool without actually being cool.

Now I hope you all got that straight and can enjoy working on being cool. If you need extra help though all you got to do is start by getting a dust pan and broom for practice till you have a place that is cool by being clean.


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