Saturday, September 23, 2006


Now to me a cut is a cut. If you cut your finger it is going to bleed and it don't really matter where it happens, above or below on a finger it is going to smart.

I guess there are some people though how are kind of really seriously accident prone from what I can tell. And that is okay, kind of sad, but okay.

What makes it weird though is apparently they are more prone to get cuts above rather than below wherever they happen to get cut the most. That's because as best as I can figure when I hear Otis talking about the person he says they are a cut above.

Confusing to me is that my buddy Otis makes it sound like this is a good thing. Honestly, I have no idea how getting lots of cuts above whatever would make the person better somehow.

And what really bugs me is I even have tried to do the cut thing myself. Well actually I just put on a whole lot of band-aids and make Otis think I gut cut a lot. It sure was a lot less painful that is for sure.

But you know what, when he saw me he never once told me I was a cut above. Heck I worked so hard making sure I had band-aids all over. So you would have figured that he might have notice I had plenty of cuts above and even under for that matter.

All he did was stare at me and kind of snorted like it was no big deal. Boy was I disappointed.

The other thing though I guess I haven't worked out in that regard is how to heal quickly. I mean I saw this one dude that Otis says is a cut above and he wasn't even wearing a single band-aid.

I didn't see a single scar on him either. So he must be a real fast healer. Perhaps he's got some super fancy first aid stuff that gives you instant healing for cuts.

About the only thing that I know works real fast is super glue. Never tied it on a cut though. Guess it would work.

I think I better test it out first. Maybe I'll sneak over to STINK and put a label on the super glue from that bottle they use to put stuff on cuts to keep them from getting infected.

Yeah, then I can just wait till somebody gets a cut, which does happen all the time at STINK. Then when they use that stuff I'll see if it helps a lot.

I sure hope they appreciate my effort to help them. Man, I bet they will sure thank me after putting on that stuff and then putting a band-aid. I can't wait to see how happy it makes them when their cut gets better so much faster.


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