Friday, September 15, 2006


I'm not really sure I understand this whole deal about car pools. I'm figuring it is some kind of giant car wash where you take your car to get wash. I just haven't found it yet.

I decided there must be some big secret about the location that isn't for everyone to know. And it has something to do with the freeways. That is because they do have a car pool lane on freeways. So that means I would assume that it leads eventually to a car wash.

All I can say is man that car wash must be a really far way away because I got in the car pool lane once and we went for miles and never did come to the car wash. Plus it is probably one of those types you drive you car through instead of getting out.

I say that because I noticed the car pool signs talk about having to have at least two people in a car. So I figure that means that one person drives while the other person hangs out the window and tries drying the car. It sounds a little dangerous, but then that might be why they need their own lane on the freeway.

Not sure for myself it having to drive that far just to get your car washed is worth all that hassle. But then with my moped I don't worry about it that much. With it a sponge is enough to keep it clean.

However, someday I might decide to get a car and then I'll worry about it more. I do know that if I do I'll also want to spend a lot of time driving on those places that pay you to drive on them. They call them toll roads.

I'm not sure how much of a toll they pay you to go on them, but I hope it would be enough to make the payments. Only right now I have to wait to check it out for sure.

See I sort of had this misunderstanding on the issue of a driver's license. Somebody came up with the weird idea that you can't have one unless you go to this place called the DMV. I mean I can drive and there are plenty of places to get a license if you just want a piece of paper that has the word license on it.

But these darn people over at the DMV have the nerve to say you can't drive unless you have a license from them. Boy is that dumb or what.

And man do they have some weird rules. First all of you got to pass this test on rules about driving. What the heck is up with that? What more rules do you need beside making sure you know how to stop when you want to stop and to push on the gas to go? Sure seems silly to me.

And if you do get through taking that stupid test the next thing they make you do is take a driver's test. Why they even expect you to provide the car. I mean if they want to make you take the test you would think the least they could do is provide the car. But NOOOO!

Well if do survive all of that then they insult you by wanting to take you picture. I figure they like to show it off to their friends to make fun of you for being stupid enough to put up with all that silly stuff.

Thought for the week: "Being socially unpopular is when any part of your body smells other than you nose."


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