Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I like doing stuff for myself. Most of the time, providing it is something fun. But from what I hear this is mainly about fixing junk.

I ain't much for fixing stuff myself. Although I guess considering how good I am at breaking junk I ought to check it out more.

Now my buddy Otis loves to think he's good and fixing all kinds of things. Why shoot sometimes he fixes things so darn good they just never work again.

Then he starts explaining how we really didn't need them in the first place. Which lasts till he decides we need a new of whatever got broke that he fixed and doesn't work any longer even though he says it is fixed.

Anyway when I really want to get something fixed I normally take it over to STINK and have the maintenance dude check it out. Mac is really cool and understanding how stuff is supposed to work. That is as close as I try to come to honestly seeing that I do it yourself with the repair thing.

I do got to admit that every once and a while I get kind of sneaky and I'll tell Otis that I'm going to fix something and then I end up taking it over to Mac to fix. I just don't tell my buddy that I did that part.

It sure is fun though seeing Otis looking so befuddled when I bring the thing back, whatever it is and it actually works again. I just stand there and try to keep from smiling while he keeps scratching his head. That is fun for me.

But I have been giving a little thought to the idea that it might be nice if I did learn a little about this do it yourself thing. So I think I'll go over to the home improvement store and talk to one of those handy and helpful clerks.

That is providing I can find one. They never seem to be working when I go in there. All I get is the snooty and snippy clerks.

And I sure what to avoid questions of those jerks. Like that time when I just had a question on a screwdriver. Boy did they give me a hard time.

I mean they call it a screwdriver and all I wanted to know if you needed a license to use it. I mean you need a license to dive a car. Plus from what I could tell you don't actually drive any screws with it anyway. So I figured it ought to be called like a screwyscrewer or something that made sense.

That sure didn't get many thanks from those guys when I pointed that out. So I ended up showing them that I did know how to use a hammer. Which is the one kind of do it yourself I do real good. But then I've had plenty of practice bashing things and heads are a big enough target that you don't miss them very easy.


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