Thursday, September 07, 2006


It is hard for me to believe at times, but there are things that can be both good and bad. It is like they can't make up their mind what they want to be so they try to be both.

Or perhaps it is more a matter of in some situations one thing could be good and then in a different situation be bad. What you have to be sure is to know when it is good and when it won't be goods so you can avoid the bad part.

I'm thinking of in particular stuff you stick in your tummy. Normally it can be a good thing unless you say try bread that is green or something else that has one of those expiration dates on it. You know I never really understood what the deal is with them anyway. I mean how come they don't put them on stuff where you really need it?

Like politicians for example. Surely those dudes should have some kind of expiration date when they end up being stale and junk and should be tossed somewhere that you don't use them any longer. But nope it doesn't work that way. As long as they can shoot their mouths off they do. And believe me if there is one thing that can be both good and bad it is the mouth of a politician.

Man those guys sure come up with some weird junk at times, which can be really bad for the rest of us. Does anyone want to tell me they actually enjoy the way those politicians get to zap us for money whenever they want? And that is another something that ought to have an expiration date on it if you ask me. Which nobody does of course.

As for food, well shoot I figure my nose is the best way to tell if something is really passed on of those expiration dates. If something stinks then you get rid of it. At least I do.

Okay I will admit that there are some of those so-called health foods that it wouldn't matter if they had expiration dates since they smell funny and taste funny anyway. I'm not sure that matters with them.

Since I never eat them anyway I don't worry about them that much. I'm just happy sticking with real foods.

I suppose I could go on forever talking about other stuff that is good and bad. There are plenty of things like that out there. And I reckon there are plenty of people who can make up their own list too,

Perhaps what we need is a list of them. Actually we need two lists. One to tell you when and how one thing can be a good thing and a different list with warnings on when the same thing is bad.

I wonder if the government would mind printing something like that up? I bet it would be helpful. I guess the problem is that you would be talking about the government and with them you never know by the time they get done messing with something if it will be either good or bad or neither.


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