Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Now I heard this applied to something silly like dancing. Who the heck wants to save that? You can hardly put it in the bank to collect interest.

What I think of most when I think of saving the last of something is snacks. Those are something that saving the last of is really important when you and your buddy divide them up.

Otis is normally pretty cooperate in that regard. We have this understanding of sorts. If we have a box of something like Twinkies and also one of say Ding-Dongs we kind of work out a deal about who gets how many of what.

Most of the time it works okay. But every once and a while when we get the munchies, which only happens about twice a week then the rule kind of goes out the window.

I mean no offense intended to my buddy, but when one of use gets a serious, industrial strength case of the munchies and we are alone in the apartment let me tell you the idea of last one just don't work. But most of the time later we have sort of a make up situation.

That is where we kind of offset any snack thieving by letting the poor dude who can skunked on the snacks have an extra share of the new snacks. The special reward comes from getting to pick out your favorite.

I do enjoy it in many ways. And I might even enjoy it more if there was more occasions when I wasn't the one doing the grabbing of the other's last munchie.

I do have an excuse. It is because I stay home more than Otis. He's the one that does all the driving as a rule, except when I go somewhere on my moped.

So I'm home and that gets kind of boring at times. After all you can only watch so many movies and stuff before you got to do something else.

Eating is just one of those great past times from my point of view. It beats doing junk that might get me in trouble.

I only wished Otis would appreciate that more when he came back from doing some chore with those I'm hungry eyes and comes back from the kitchen looking like he could kill when that last snack is gone. Having cookie breath or crumbs on my lips doesn't help me trying to claim it was a burglar.

But at least we generally work out the problem pretty quick before Otis gets too crazy. It is a matter of being sure that we get to the market without any delays. And I normally have to do the talking to the casher because Otis will end up having a mouth full of whatever when we are in the check out line. Which is okay because it is still better than having him complaining about the missing snacks.


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