Friday, August 25, 2006


Now this can be a good thing if you are talking about people making sure what belongs to whom. Having it all divided up and not leaving you wondering is a big help.

The only pain is if you can't agree on the dividing part. If you are dealing with somebody that can sit down and say "this is mind and that and that and that." Then by the time they get through the yours part is so small it is hardly worth even mentioning.

As for the ours part, well you can forget that altogether because by the time the person gets through explaining the ours part it ends up being in reality part of the mind part. That makes dividing stuff up kind of pointless.

I'm just glad my buddy Otis isn't like that with most things. Unless you are talking Spam. That dude has lots of times he can be generous, but let me tell you, he also has a real blind spot in terms of canned meat stuff.

Boy it can be so dang silly too. I mean I'm not even that interested in Spam personally. But you should see him go through all this explanations on why he needs to keep all the Spam for himself. Jeez, it is so crazy.

I just let him ramble you understand. It is such a pain, but it is better than having him give me a speech on the subject. The difference is a speech is something where he will keep talking extra long and then at times he wants you to comment on it too.

I mean what do you really have to say about a guy who talks about how it is important to be fair and thoughtful and cooperative and the whole time all he is doing is stuffing the cans of Spam into box marked, "Otis's private stash."

I do manage to survive though. For I make up for that craziness by doing what I can to be sure he cuts me the same slack on jelly beans. And so far he has so I'm happy with his making a big deal on the Spam part.

However I got to admit that you know we really do have a problem when you get into the area of stuff we both likes. Pancakes can get kind of touchy. So can peanut butter cookies and snacks in general.

Still, we manage in our own way and I guess that is what counts the most. I'm happy to do it when I can.

Although I should mention this whole sharing thing for Otis and I is mainly about food. Because let me tell you, when it comes to the remote for the television it is every grimefighter for himself.

I'm just lucky that I'm quicker than Otis. So I get to the remote faster than him on a lot of occasions. He makes up for it though. One of these days I'll learn not to fall for that "what's that out of the window" bit where he gets me to look long enough to steal the remote.

Thought for the week: "The say absence makes the heart grow fonder. That means if somebody you hate is gone you got a lot of reason to be happy!"


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