Friday, August 18, 2006


I know, this doesn't seem like a big deal. You got something and you are going to turn it into something else. Easy enough to understand, right?

But there really is a variety of deals in this kind of thing. There is the "oh boy, what an idea type of something from something." You know that is where somebody takes something that is junk and makes it into something cool.

There is also the "oh my god" type of something from something. That is where you take something ordinary and make it incredible. Like taking sugar and turning it into jelly beans.

Then there is the type of "oh no," something from something where some moron took something cool and messed it up. Some people are good at doing that.

And the best are the ones who write movies and television programs. They are always making these sequel movies that are so often dumb and stupid. You go and see the first movie and say "wow, that was fantastic." But when they go from that something to the sequel it is yawnsville!

Anyway television often ain't much better. They will start off with a good idea for a sitcom and then end up messing it up in some way till you don't want to watch it any longer.

Besides, when are the going to do something smart for a change and make a sitcom about a real super hero? Like say about some ordinary hard working dude who say wears a beanie and spends his days being a garbage man and then later goes out and fights grime?

And perhaps he could get his super powers to protect his super butt from the creepy griminals by eating lots and lots of jelly beans? Now you got to admit you haven't seen that on television before.

Why I even went so far as to write to the television people to suggest that very idea. I haven't gotten an answer yet. But it has only been six months so I reckon they are taking their time to think it through real good.

But I got a feeling one of these days you'll see it on the television. I know I'll be watching.

Well that is provided I'm not starring in the program. You never know when that might happen.

If so you don't have to worry. I won't let all that fame and fortune ruin me. I'll still be writing my postings. Only I might have to do it from Hollywood.

I reckon they probably have the internet there. If not, I can figure something else.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "You can change your clothes and change your mind. But if you screw up and put greenbacks on your butt, you probably end up needing someway to keep from passing the buck."


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