Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I heard somebody once talking about take it away. Only they never said what it was. And I think that is a very important question.

Which is why I think this ought to be take it a say. After al if you say what it is you are more likely to have it taken away.

That can really be important if you are talking about you know stuff like taking the trash out. If you just tell some people to take it away they might end up going in and hauling your underwear away or worse.

So that is why you have to be so darn careful with this thing because let me tell you someone trying to haul off you underwear while you are still wearing them is definitely not cool. Plus you got the extra problem of having to be double concerned that you underwear might not be clean. Man you can risk giving your mom a heart attack if somebody starts spreading around how you got dirty shorts on.

I just hope that by mentioning this I in some small way help to make people think twice on this it business. I got nothing against an "it" naturally. It is kind of hard to get too bent out of shape you know when you're not sure what the it is.

And I know before I agree to letting anyone take it away I want to know what it is. Seems fair.

Only not with some people. Now I don't mean to be unkind here to someone like the Reverend Analbe seeing how he does know god and all, but he sure isn't one for making sure you have no idea what it is after he gets through talking. In his case it almost ends with some kind of prayer. Which is okay, only I wish sometime he would ask God what it was so maybe I would get a decent answer from somebody!

But I don't imagine that will ever happen. Although knowing how much he loves donuts and all I suppose maybe with enough of them he might be persuaded to explain the it thing.

And if I can't get him to talk about it perhaps I'll see if this time Otis will explain it without rolling his eyes any time I ask. He gets really annoying in that way when you ask him a question he don't want to answer.

Oh well, in the meantime I reckon there will still be people there taking away the it thing without ever getting around to explaining the it part. I refuse to let it bother me though. There just isn't any reason to get all bent out of shape. Instead perhaps I'll just make some big plans to know what the it is myself.

Yep, I bet I can fake it well enough. If not then perhaps I'll just pick something for myself to call and it. As long as I get to play the it game too and not tell what I'm saying either!


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