Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Man or man is this cool or what. The very idea that somebody thinks you are special and wants to give you a delivery. And when they work for the government it really is extra fantastic. Imagine how the whole big government being so busy doing government junk taking the time to worry about thinking somebody is special.

At least that works with the post office. Every once and a while I order something out of a catalogue. And you know they take time to ask me if I want it special delivery. Of course I always thank them for thinking me special. Sometimes they make some weird comment though that sort of is insulting and kind of ruins the whole special think, but I still like when I get to be treated that way.

It is kind of like when we go to this one restaurant. And I know they think I'm special there because they always go this little piece of paper on my menu that says today special. I think it is awful thoughtful of them to see me as special and they do it every time I'm there, which is even more cool.

Now even the newspaper seems to think I'm special at times. I see all those adds where it talks about special offers. Well, shoot it is so nice of them to make me offers since they think I'm special. I doubt they would do that for everyone.

You know with all this talk of specials I guess I do a pretty good job of not letting it go to my head. Honestly, I just enjoy being plain old Philo Milo Buttercream or Smog Boy for those who know my super hero name.

Anyway, it is still so cool to be remembered for being so dang special. I do kind of feel sorry for those poor people who don't get to know they are special.

Every once and a while if I see a person like that I do what I can to cheer them up. And since the post office is so good about this special think I normally stop by and ask them to send the person a special delivery.

Oh they make me pay for it. I guess that is because they have too when you really aren't all that special. But what the heck, I figure the person deserves a smile sometimes.

And that is the extra fun join of it all. I just love knowing that maybe even if the person isn't some super duper super hero like me they can still be happy over their lives.

Course I got to admit that I don't do that for everyone. Let me tell you if there is one person I don't want to feel special it is old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. He already thinks he's some big deal.

About the only way I would send him anything special is if it would explode. I know that ain't very nice, but then neither is Junior. Hmmm, I wonder if they make an exploding cheese log? Well I might check it out. Oh not enough of a bang to like make him explode, just enough to make him not feel so darn special when he ain't.


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