Monday, July 31, 2006


Okay what kind of lamebrain came up with this saying? I mean none is like, well none as in there ain't any. While other sort of means other than none. So what do you get with none other? I guess that is none other than regular none. But what good is that. A different none is still none if you ask me.

What really bugs me with this is that I always hear somebody talk about it when they mention a person. Like in none other than. Well if this person is none and other does that make them a ghost? You got to wonder.

I decided this whole deal is some kind of conspiracy. Now there are all kinds of conspiracies out there. Some of them are pretty lame.

In this case I figure it has to do with people plotting to make me look silly. Which might not seem like big deal to you, but it is too me.

Because here I am a super hero type and a real type of beanie wearing crusader doing my best to get rid of all the bad guys. At least the ones that love to make messes.

So it is real important to me if I don't end up looking like an idiot from buying into this idea of people being none and other. Sure don't want to fall for that if I can avoid it.

Anyway, while I figured that I would play it smart and not get suckered in by such stupidity it don't mean anyone else agrees. That's because over at STINK where I work they just never give up on such stuff.

It doesn't matter how many times I catch them saying stupid junk and point it out they just keep rambling like I'm expected to buy into it. I'm telling you it sure does get boring to have them peddle that crap like it is worth believing.

What really disappoints me is when I take the time to explain to these clowns about how none and other don't work together. They just look at me and groan and shake their heads. I think that is because they get embarrassed over the fact that I caught them making up such stupid crap.

And for a while it does help. So much so that they are so ashamed of themselves they just make sure they don't sit next to me in the lunchroom.

It never lasts forever though. Sooner or later one of them will get around to this none other thing again.

And if that wasn't bad enough. It really bugs me that they try to ask something extra stupid like what color is the sky in the world where I live. Yeah, like I'm buying into that one either. The sky is always the same. It has blue or green or purple depending on when I look at it and how many jelly beans I've had first. So when I tell them that at least they don't ask stupid questions for a while.


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