Saturday, July 22, 2006


I like roast, but I don't like always having to eat it when it means I got to sit at some dining table instead of at a tv tray. See whenever we have roast it is over at Granny Pott's house in her dining room. Which is still better than when Otis takes me to some fancy restaurant where I got to wear some stupid suit and tie.

Now the one good thing about roast is the leftovers you get to make into a sandwich. That I can eat wherever I want, which is extra cool. Too bad you can't just eat the leftovers and not have to put up with the dining room thing.

Anyway, despite the problems with that, I will take roast once and a while. I'll even have it with some gravy if need be. It is fun pouring it over stuff like mashed potatoes and biscuits, plus the roast.

Of course when nobody is looking I just mix all the stuff together. I mean I figure my tummy will hardly know the difference.

I just wish that everyone else looked at it that way. But no, they get all bent out of shape just because I sometimes spill it all over the table. Shoot the tablecloth is there. So it ain't like it is some big disaster as far as I can tell.

Oh well, I just learn not to let anyone else see me do that and then I don't get any complaints. I'm still have to avoid that habit I guess of trying to sample the roast while it is on the serving plate. I know I should use a fork to pick up a piece, but I just get kind of exciting and reach over and pick up the plate and sort of try to taste each piece to be sure it don't taste like it came from the cow's butt! It don't pay to take chances in that regard!

Now as much fun as all this roast stuff is, the one thing I don't get is why do they make some roast into coffee? I don't even drink the stuff, but I've heard of ground roast coffee. What's up with that?

I've see that coffee and it is black. So all I can figure is that somebody burnt the roast and then tried to hide it by grinding it up and tossing it in coffee where the black color wouldn't make the black roast so noticeable.

Why coffee, I'm not sure. I guess that is better than if they stuck it in hot chocolate. I sure wouldn't want to take sip of my hot chocolate and find some chunk of black stuff floating in it. I don't care if it is roast, I don't want it in my hot chocolate.

Plus I don't get why they bother to put the roast in a can? I mean when I go to the grocery store and I wander down the aisle with coffee cans there it is right on the can, "ground roast." That tells me somebody did that on purpose.

I don't know what kind of sick mind came up with that idea, but I'll pass. You got to wonder also how that roast manages to keep from spoiling in that can? I don't think I want to know!


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