Monday, July 17, 2006


I hear this has a lot to do with flying. Well at least I imagine it does since the only time I've heard anyone use it is in an airport.

And let me tell you it sure sounds weird. This guy was talking on the phone to somebody and mentioned he was sleepy because he got the red eye out of this one airport. So I'm assuming that maybe it is a game you play to have something to do on a plane instead of just sleeping.

I only hope it ain't something ghastly like people tossing around somebody's glass eye. I sure wouldn't want to catch some glass eye that was all covered in blood or worse. Yuck!

Then too perhaps they might be talking about you know the letter "I" that is painted red. That would be okay I guess. Might be easy to catch.

Only how do you know if you win? Do they like let you off the plane first or something? Seems like a lame prize. But then perhaps that is what the thing about first class is all about. Yeah the winner of catching the red eye lucks out and gets to be considered as first class. Gosh, I wonder if they are short of parachutes that person is the one who doesn't get one? No, that would be more like the loser I reckon.

Also I can't help thinking this catching the red eye thing would also have to do with whether you get a chance to have what they call a one way trip or round trip. Oh yeah there is the non-stop flight. That part really sounds scary. I mean if you never stop then I guess it means they strap your butt to a wing and you are just stuck there forever. God talk about tough punishments for losing a game of catching a stupid red eye.

In any case, I don't think with all those dumb rules I plan on taking a flight anyway. Plus, although I got nothing against anyone named Jack, I do wonder you know how come it is required in some cases that you say hi to the Jack dude on a plane. And I hear they got what are called air marshals on some planes just to check on this Hi Jack thing. Jeez, now the is the last thing I would want is to piss off some guy named Jack because I forget to say hi and then some cops come over and beat my butt as punishment.

I suppose it ain't very surprising that planes fly so high in the air. With all the weird junk they expect you to do on planes I reckon they sure don't want you peaking through the windows and see the weird junk they are pulling.

Plus I do wonder what they benefit to round trip ticket is too? I guess if it thick enough you could sit on it so your butt doesn't get numb on the flight. But I wonder if that also if for the winner of the catching the red eye thing?

Well I know I got no plans for any plane trips any time soon. They can keep all that weird junk as far as I'm concern. Besides if I want weird I can just go over to where I work at STINK. And at least I don't have to risk getting off the ground in some big plane that where the pilot gets crazy or something and thinks he can suddenly park it in a bunch of trees. Personally, I don't understand air plane crashes. I mean don't they ever have their air brakes inspected to make sure they can stop when they need to?


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