Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Oh yeah this is so incredible when it works. You're sitting there dreading yelled at for blowing it big time and then whammo you get an unexpected break and get to hand off of the blame to somebody else. That's what I call mercy in the first degree and second and just about anyway you want to describe it.

I just wish I could guarantee that kind of luck all the time. But one reason I can't is because I'm not good enough as a liar to get away with blaming the other grimefighters all the time.

Most of the time this mainly works for me when my buddy Otis comes to my rescue. There just ain't anybody cooler and thinking up junk to save my butt and make our boss, Dr. Hemoglobin think we didn't screw up when we did.

Unfortunately, there are times when for one reason or another my buddy gets busy and I'm stuck in our boss's office with having to try and keep him from staying too red face. If only he didn't ask the wrong questions so often. I mean like the ones where he expects me to explain why we accidentally on purpose ran over some creep with the garbage truck.

Shoot, I said it was an accident. Well, naturally at the time when I started the truck up while Otis was taken a potty break I thought the dude was a griminal. He did look suspicious in that black suit and all.

But leave it Otis to point out that I missed the fact that he was wearing that priest's collar. You know my boss ain't too cool about understanding the concept of OOPS that well in that regard.

So it ends up with me sitting there while he gets all red face, tugs at his collar and starts rambling about lawsuits, God and thunderbolts. Boy does it get boring.

The one good thing is when Otis manages to show up and points out how the emergency brake on the truck was faulty and gave out just as that dude was walking in back of our truck. It gets tough getting him to accept that the truck back up over the guy two or three times.

At least the real fun part is when Otis starts talking about how the mechanics were what he calls remiss in doing their safety check. I really love when he manages to hand off the blame to them.

As for Dr. Hemoglobin, I'm not sure he's all that thrilled by that part. He seems to get a little disappointed when he can't give us a lecture.

But as long as my buddy is hanging in there and finding good ways to hand off the blame, then I'm happy. I sure hope he can come up with a good finger pointing option for the last goof I made. I wonder who he can blame for me stopping up the toilet? Guess I'll have to wait and see.


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