Monday, July 03, 2006


I like the idea of more as long as it isn’t too much. With some stuff you can have too much of it. Like work. I prefer less than more. And I have a feeling I’m not alone in looking at it that way.

One think that confuses me though is the idea of money being better with having less instead of more. I mean I don’t see how you can buy more with less money. Unless you are getting on sale or something.

But the way I figure the government must have decided by some standard that when it comes to money less than more is better for us working people. After all, if that wasn’t the case then why would they spend so much time figuring new ways of taking it away from us?

Heck they not only believe it, but created that thing they call a service. I always thought a service was something that was supposed to help you? But how does some service that specializes in taking away your money be a good thing for me?

Plus I wonder about that name. The Internal Revenue? Internal is inside right? When did my gut make any money? Oh my stomach can churn and cause enough gas to make me belch or fart, but I don’t see where I can get paid any money for that.

So why do we need an Internal Revenue when my stomach don’t make money, but they end up taking my regular money that is in my bank account or wallet? That isn’t inside. Well inside a building maybe, but that isn’t the kind of internal I had in mind.

I mean if it were the kind of internal that applied too just any old inside then does it mean they got to look for money in places like shoe boxes and closets too? I don’t recall them mentioning when they go looking for money how they want to check your sock drawer or laundry hamper. Sure doesn’t sound like they are very consistent in that regard.

But then I reckon it isn’t important to the government to do things that make sense. After all they are the government and it is their job to know what they doing since they are well, the government. And if it doesn’t make sense to me well that’s okay I guess. After all with them always out there trying to do all that stuff that is suppose to help me I can appreciate how they wouldn’t have time to explain it all.

I still think they ought to work on the service thing though. Especially, when it comes to this idea of finding money inside places where there might not be money.

Anyway, if and when I find out where you can ask those kinds of questions I will. I tried calling the phone number in the phone book they had listed for calling the government direction. But I think there was something wrong with my phone. Because when I called them and tried asking questions I ended up with them hanging up. Well it seemed like they just hung up on me. However, it was probably just trouble with the phones. I had that problem with lots of places. For some reason I just always end up getting disconnected a lot when I call and start asking questions.


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