Saturday, June 24, 2006


I heard a guy talking about pie in the sky ideas. Well let me tell you the one thing that isn’t is a good idea. I mean if the stupid pie is in the sky, which I doubt anyway, how you going to reach it? I figure it was just one of those dumb ideas people get that they hope you’ll never stop to decide it is utterly stupid.

As best as I can figure the deal with this is that you are talking about really good stuff like pie, but that it is somehow in the sky so it is impossible to have. Like we ain’t got enough problems in the world without coming up with this kind of whacky stuff.

So okay, somebody decides that calling something pie in the sky is a good thing. It is telling me basically don’t bother getting your hopes up because it will never happen.

I get that part. I don’t like it, but I get it. What bugs me is when the pie ain’t in the sky. I’m speaking of cool stuff that is possible only it will never happen. So that is pie that isn’t really in a pie type of stuff.

We’re talking things like all that junk people talk about doing someday. You know darn well they will never actually do whatever they say they will do someday. So that is pie that ain’t in the sky, but ain’t in the pie either.

Which is what really I get concerned with when you are talking about good things that you really want. It is always important to be darn sure it is real pie in a pie and not some pie that will never actually be in a pie you can actually have.

I reckon life would really be so much easier of there were only pie in the pie. Then you wouldn’t have to even worry about if the dang pie was in the sky or in a pie plate.

But as long as you got people and pie there will no doubt be pie that isn’t in the pie and pie that is in the pie. Which doesn’t even get around to talking about what flavor is important either.

I mean if you are talking fruit pie in a pie it can be darn right messy. As for pie in a pie that is cream, well it probably would be okay. And less we forget there is the mud pie, which I guess really ain’t a legitimate pie so nobody would much care if it was in a pie.

Well I reckon all of that is pretty detailed and a lot for some people to think about. All I know is if you want to talk to me about pie, please make it pie in a pie. Which comes down to being darn sure you actually are holding a pie when you are talking pie.

Only be darn sure if it cream, you aren’t smiling too much. Because if there is one thing worse than pie in the sky that isn’t in a pie it is when you end up with a pie in the eye. Cream or otherwise, that ain’t the kind pie in the pie that I enjoy. Unless I’m the one doing the tossing. Then it is a matter of whether I got enough pie in the pie to eat when I’m celebrating.


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