Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well, well, well is this fun or what? I reckon that depends on if you enjoy having this happen to you.

I imagine I could devote this entire posting to the issue of whether this is a good thing. However, instead I want to talk about something that really bugs me with this.

Now the last time I heard when they are talking about cracking up it means you got a screw loose. Or basically you are falling apart big time. That is the opposite of getting better right?

The part that I don’t like is how this thing just isn’t worded right. I mean the thing to me is if you are falling apart shouldn’t it be cracking down? When you say cracking up it sounds to me like you are falling up as if you fell into pieces and they suddenly went floated off into space. Okay, call me being picky, but how come nobody else ever even bother to ask?

Shoot, the way I figure you know somebody standing there and says, “Oh my god I must be cracking up.” Then shouldn’t you be able to see turning into small chunks that are flying off into space so you could say, “There he goes.” Doesn’t that make sense?

I’m sorry, but it just bugs me that we get so hung up saying the dumbest stuff without thinking. I wonder if somebody from another planet was visiting and heard people say that if they wouldn’t decide we are a bunch of idiots who don’t know the difference between flying and falling when you got a big whacky.

Of course since we do say such stupid junk and any aliens might hear it on the radio or television, I can appreciate how if they did listen they would say, “Forget it, I’m not messing with those clowns.”

In any case you know, I think in order to avoid the risk of being consider as the prize dummies of the universe we should fix this problem. Maybe you don’t mind the idea of some big mouth alien cruising around the stars and talking about us in a bad way. I’m not crazy about that idea personally.

I just wish there was a way to convince more people how important it is we stop doing this kind of junk. But I’m afraid there is just too many darn people who think it is no big deal.

However, let me till you the one thing I sure don’t want to mess with is the idea of running into some alien someday and having him look at me like I’m a jerk because he heard us talking about cracking up. I reckon till the time comes when I can succeed in getting this message across we will have to tolerate the problem of saying stuff we could regret later. And just remember if you get abducted by some alien some day and he and his pals start laughing their heads off and pointing, I told you so! That is providing you get a chance and they don’t take you back to their planet to put on display as a idiot.


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