Sunday, June 18, 2006


Man talk about a long time! Like this is practically, well always. That is definitely more than tomorrow or next week.

It is kind of tough for me to imagine forever. Heck, I just have enough trouble thinking if how long an hour lasts. It can seem like forever when you are in waiting for something. And it can seem like way too fast if you’re hurry.

The one thing I wonder about most of all is why do we even need a word like forever in the first place. Nothing I know lasts that long. So what does it honestly apply to? You got to wonder.

Now what I’m thinking it that perhaps whoever the dude that was in charge of thinking up words had a really sick since of humor. I don’t who the person was, but I imagine he was the same crazy guy that invented the dictionary so he would have a place to keep all those words. You know how it is. If you see something in a book you pretty much figure it has to be true.

So you open up this dictionary to look up some word, which you can’t find because you can remember the stupid rule about whether you put an “I” before or after an “E.” Then while you are getting pissed off about that you accidentally come across this word forever. You take time to read about it because you are still fuming over not finding the word you really wanted.

After you read the description boy are you really pissed. I mean you figure out, wait a minute some clown thought a word that suggests things can last and never stop lasting? That’s about as close as I can come to describing forever without saying the word.

Well boy is that a pain in the butt or not. It sort of ends up with me stressing out thinking, okay what is the deal here? Does that mean somebody knows something about living and never dying or wearing a pair of underwear that never wears out? I tell you the possibilities really depress me.

At least it works that way for me. Heck there are enough things in life to worry about, do I really need to have some impossible crap added to my grief by some word maniac who dreams up junk that will never be true?

Boy I’ll tell you, I didn’t just sit back and let that one slide without thinking about it a whole lot. I really figured I owed to other people to try and see to it somebody admitted to doing this kind of thing on purposes.

It sure was tough to decide that part. Honestly, we just need to find the person who pulled this thing and get them to spill their guts on how it was a bad idea. Not that I want to get rid of the word out of our vocabulary. We just need to decide on a way to control the problem more. Perhaps like changing the word forever to say, something like for-almost-always.


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