Saturday, June 10, 2006


Okay, the news guy on the radio was talking about them having sub zero temperatures in some place in the middle of winter. I got the impression this place was in a place like Canada or near that part of the world.

Now I’m not expert on places, but the way I understand it the place he was talking about wasn’t near any ocean. And unless they are making submarine’s different than they use to, you still have to have an ocean of some kind to use them properly.

As for this stuff about sub zero temperatures, well shoot if you are talking about place where you can use a submarine so it is sub zero meaning having zero submarines that can sort of make sense. I’m not sure why you would be all that worried about how cold or hot it was if there were zero submarines around, but apparently it is important to somebody.

As best a I can figure these places that have zero sub’s must have a lot of people who like submarines. And I reckon that is why some places have submarine sandwiches. So if you can’t have the real thing you can at least stuff you face with something that looks like a submarine.

Why that is such a big deal, I have no idea. I mean you never hear about battleship zero temperatures or aircraft carrier zero temperatures. Only sub zero.

Does that mean there are more folks crazy about submarines than other kinds of ships that are in the ocean? I don’t know for sure.

Maybe this is something I’ll have to ask somebody in the Navy to find out. I mean last time I heard the Navy dudes were in charge of floating stuff. Well almost all floating stuff. But not everything.

My buddy Otis was talking the other day about floating a loan. I didn’t know they made boats out of money to loan to people. I would have figured the water would have made all that money soggy. But my buddy didn’t seem to worry about it.

So I guess one of these days I get down to the beach and then find a sailor type dude to ask him more about all this sub zero stuff. At the same time I’ll find out if he knows what that dude Davy Jones keeps in his locker that the ships end up visiting when they go down to wherever it is located.

Meanwhile, I’m going to keep checking to see if I can find out just how many places are uptight over this zero sub business. Maybe we can do something to take their mind off their lack of subs.

Perhaps a few extra submarine sandwiches providing it doesn’t depress them over their lack of subs. As for me, well, I can live with the need for any subs. And I won’t even break out in a sweat over it.


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