Monday, June 05, 2006


They are always talking about this on the news and most of the time about stuff like the weather. Now you would sort of think that if the deal is that you want you know it to be a good thing in terms of something like the weather they ought to be right. But it does sort of bug me that sometimes they aren’t even close.

So how come they can’t at least get creative and forecast other junk too? I would like them to forecast stuff like how tomorrow there is going to be a free lunch over at some restaurant or whatever. That would be cool.

But gosh darn it all they never do that. This just ends up being only about the weather. And what is really silly is how they have some big board behind then with cool pictures. You would think just looking at the board would be enough. Only it never seems to help much.

It was like the other day they were talking about lows and highs. They never got around to saying exactly what was the deal on the low or the highs for that matter. All I know is that there were seventy of the highs and fifty of the lows. Was this a good thing? I couldn’t tell.

And what really bugs me is how none of that matter anyway. I mean they didn’t do anything to make things look better in the process. Not as far as I could tell.

Maybe they mean how you feel with this low and high stuff. Not sure what fifty or seventy is suppose to feel like though.

I’m wondering if you know that has to do with say stuff like oh you feeling like you were that age instead of whatever age you really are. If so the obviously people feel way much better in the winter. Because the highs then are only in the thirties and forties.

Only since the lows are always lower than the highs and have something to do with night I guess you feel younger at night. Guess that is an okay thing.

Well I’m not personally convinced this is a good thing though. Maybe to them, but you can’t go by me.

And how come the weather dude has to be in charge of deciding how I feel anyway? What is the deal with that?

I guess maybe one of these days that will all make sense. Not sure when, but eventually.

Probably about the same time that you know I get a big chance to see some of those days when the high is like a hundred and then still be happy about it. That is going to take some doing if you ask me. But I’ll give it a shot I reckon since nobody else seems to be concerned about it.


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