Sunday, May 28, 2006


I sure love the idea of miracle gadgets. That is providing the actually work. With some of them, I don’t know, but heck it seems that the real miracle is that they work at all.

I like to believe that for example when they put an ad in some magazine or newspaper that it is really true. Like the one about those X-ray glasses. Boy those sure have possibilities.

The idea of being able to stand outside a candy store and look through the walls to see if they had jelly beans is so cool. It sure would make life a lot easier for me than having to go inside and ask them. I don’t think that would be so bad, but man when I go in there too often they sort of get pissed at me. And that ain’t cool.

Personally, I don’t know what the big deal is. I mean I don’t think my going inside fifteen times in one day should count when I’m trying to find out if their delivery truck showed up. Is it my fault that the stupid delivery guy is running late and they don’t know for sure when he will be there?

Plus I think it is their fault to begin with. They stopped taking my phone calls after the one time when I wanted to know if the truck was there yet. And that is such a pain considering I had just got them added to the speed dial goodie on my phone. Heck, it was working good too. I could hit that button in less than a minute after hanging up with them from the other call.

But I guess they got something called “caller” id and somehow knew it was me so they just stopped answering the phone. Well what the heck was I suppose to do? I had no choice, except go by and see them in person.

You would have figured they would have been happy to have a customer be as faithful as I am. But NOOOO! All they do is gripe and complain about me coming in there too often.

What I want to know is where is it written that a free sample can only happen once a day. I thought once a visit should work. Just because I go out of the door and come right back in shouldn’t count as not another visit to me?

They sure threw a fit though. I even got them to be too dang picky on the two for one deal. I mean it doesn’t say anywhere on that stupid buy one get one free deal that the one has to be the same one. So if I buy ONE jelly bean and want ONE bag of them free I didn’t think it was any big deal, but they did.

Like I said when it comes to miracle gadgets such as those X-ray glasses all I wish is they were a real miracle. Then I wouldn’t have to strain my brain so much trying to figure out miracle to come up with to get me more jelly beans for the same price.

In the meantime if somebody can come up with a miracle gadget to get those candy store clerks to forget they saw me ten minutes ago that would be even better. If not, well I’ll have to go back to finding new masks to wear.


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