Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I heard somebody say once that every cloud as a silver lining. Well, I’m not sure what clouds he was looking at, but I can say I sure haven’t seen any lining, silver or otherwise when I see those clouds.

Believe me, I sure tried too. However, so far it just ain’t happening when I gawk at them. And that really is sad to me because I think clouds are really so darn cool. Why shoot man, I’d be so jazzed if I was looking up at them on day and could say, “Wow look at that silver!” I am going to keep looking just in case, but I just all that convinced it is going to happen.

Now the way I figure it the dude that started this talk about silver linings probably was confused. Maybe he just saw a rainbow and got confused. Course as best as I can tell, rainbows ain’t normally silver. Still I have been everywhere so maybe there is somewhere they are just plain silver. Only if it were all silver I am sort of wondering would you really know it was a rainbow in the first place? I think I would, but who can say what other people think.

One thing I did consider though was that perhaps you know instead of it being a cloud maybe the dude saw something else. Perhaps the guy saw a plane or something. I’ve heard that those UFO things are often silver. You do got to wonder about some people if they confuse a UFO with a cloud though. Well that is providing the UFO wasn’t trying to look like a cloud on purpose. I’ve heard those dang UFO’s could be sneaking like that. So I could hardly blame some dude who saw one and thought it was a cloud by mistake.

The only I can’t quite understand in all of that is how come that is the kind of think I need to know about? I mean if some dude is sitting there and freaking out over some stupid silver whatever and acting goofy that’s okay by me. I just don’t understand why it should be deserving of being mentioned so that when I’m out looking at clouds I end up acting like an idiot.

Then on the other hand, maybe that is part of the whole idea with this thing. Some joker is running around trying to make people look like a horse’s ass by having them look for silver clouds that aren’t there. Yeah, that could work.

Or perhaps the deal it that again this dude simply was mistaken. It just occurred to me how you know a blimp is silver a lot of times. And if the guy was say at some big outdoor sporting event like say a football game he might get so excited that he thought he saw a cloud. Only it was in reality a blimp.

Gee, you would kind of think though that if he had saw blimp he might have seen the big letters on the side saying Goodyear or whatever. I reckon that will have to wait till I find this clown and make him spill his guts on what he really saw and not what he claims he saw. One thing is for sure, if I make him talk my way, he won’t be seeing any clouds with several linings, but I bet he’ll see a few stars!


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