Monday, May 15, 2006


This is this famous story that was written by some guy named Shake-a-spear or something along those lines. It was one of those mushy love kind of stories that I don’t care much for called Row-me-toe and Jewel-ate-a-hat.

I’m not partial to all those love kind of stories normally because nobody gets blown up or anything. It is just you know a bunch of people sitting around smooching and talking about much they love each other. I mean you can go over to a lot of places and see that kind of thing without paying to see it in a movie.

Anyway the one good thing with this movie as I understand it is that basically you know the writer did give it a good twist from just the usual mushy junk. Even though nobody got blown up in it, at least somebody ended up dying and that was cool as far as I’m concerned. Not that people dying is a good thing, just you know it sort of makes the whole lovey-dovey thing have a more fun twist.

The thing is in this movie or story they said this deal about “where for” and then added “aren’t thou.” I assume that has something to do with you know somebody not being something they claim they are so the person was talking about “where for” as in where for did you say something stupid like that?

Now, that seems to me to be more the kind of question you would think of asking with one of the movies where you had lots of people doing an in your face kind of action. In some mushy movie I just think she they can be kind of boring that the old Shake-a-spear dude figured he wouldn’t take any chance and he would you know toss it in there to be sure nobody complained about the story that much.

Course I understood that this Shake-a-spear dude did live like a long time ago. At least fifty years. That was before cable and the internet. So I reckon he had to worry about keeping his stuff more interesting than now seeing how they didn’t have a many choices.

But in any case maybe that is why we don’t have to worry about the “where for” stuff as much now. We got all kinds of neat options like “Hey dude” “Are you serious” and a whole bunch of other junk that would make things kind of cool these days without that “where for” stuff.

Course I’m no expert on junk like history, but maybe you know, in those days the dudes who issued things like literary licenses had a different set of rules in terms of junk like the words you can use. I’m just glad I live now where I don’t have to take a test or anything to use my literary license. So I can use that where for thing without having to worry about any what for from some clown with a badge who wants to see my license.

Makes me sort of thing the good old days weren’t so good after all. You just never know what will make people happy though.


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