Friday, May 12, 2006


How come arguing ain’t cool unless you do it in a form called a debate. Then it considered okay by some people.

I mean as far as I’m concerned all that debate junk is something that is normally kind of boring. Like those big deals they make about presidential debates. I tried listening to them once and let me tell you I never heard any of those guys do any debating about if we should have a president. How can it be a real presidential debate if they are arguing over if we even need a president?

Instead there was a lot of time spent with these guys up there shooting their mouths off about what they liked and didn’t like. And another thing that bothered me was that only one of them had actually been president. So shouldn’t it have been president and what’s-his-name debate instead of the presidential debate? How come they never gave that any thought.

In any case as far as I’m concerned those dang presidential debates weren’t worth even having. It wasn’t like they asked any important questions. They talked about stuff like foreign policy. Why should I can if some foreigner has insurance.

Then there was the thing about the economy. They were blabbing about their plan to improve the economy. It all seemed to be related to the idea of creating new jobs. What gives with that? Can they find enough stuff to do as president without having to create some extra work. I can’t see where that would do much to improve the economy for the rest of us.

I also didn’t figure this deal about fixing social security was so good either. Not once in that whole conversation did either of those cand-of-dates, which is to me a weird name for a dude running for president, but anyway, not once did they mention of social security was under warranty. And where do you get a decent mechanic’s guesstimate for something like that too?

Plus neither dude mentioned anything about glue. Maybe some super glue would be enough. It sure would save all this debating silliness as far as I’m concerned.

I guess it is a good thing for them that Otis doesn’t get to run those things. Because he would bring some glue. Only to listen to him he would use it to glue those cand-of-dates mouths shut.

Come to think of it that might not be a bad idea. It sure would simplify the whole thing. In fact it would end the need for any debates.

The big problem would be catching those suckers though. Those cand-of-date dudes are always running for some office. I doubt they would stand still long enough to let you glue their lips closed. But maybe if knew where the office was they were always running to you could grab them when they went through the door. Guess it is worth thinking about.

Thought for the week: "How come one of the four seasons it is okay to fall down, but there are none for going up? Does it mean Father Time is a pessimist at heart?"


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