Saturday, May 06, 2006


This might be best called things I like and things I don’t understand. Hot dogs I like. They aren’t as cool as hamburgers, but they are better than a salad. So they fall in my book under the like category. Only not the love category. I save that for really important foods.

As for egg plant that is on my list of huh stuff. Those are things that don’t make a lot of sense too me. I mean what is with this thing anyway? First of all it is purple. That should be for grapes, but no this thing, which sort of looks like a big grape, sure doesn’t taste like one.

Plus it don’t seem to be able to make up its mind. I mean it isn’t an egg and I guess it is a plant, but does it come from an egg? If so I’d sure hate to see the chicken that would lay that kind of ugly thing.

Also you can cook it like an egg. I mean you can’t make an omelet from it. So was this just something Mother Nature invented while having a bad day or perhaps was too drunk on something she brewed? I tell you it sure does leave me without being able to make sense of it.

Well since Mother Nature ain’t got any kind of email address to answer important questions like that I suppose I’m stuck just figuring it out on my own. Only so far I think I’ll just let be something to wonder about.

I also wonder why that need what I guess is an Italian version of this plant? What’s the big deal here, is the regular kind not good enough. So some people thing if you grow that Eggplant Parm-a-john kind it will somehow make a different. Does claiming somebody that is Italian grows it suppose to make it taste better? I’m just wondering you understand.

Oh well, I suppose it is like too many situations, I’m left alone to work on solving such questions. It sure would be great if once and a while somebody else would spend more time figuring out this kind of important stuff.

Boy I sure would appreciate it. Then I could get back to the more issues. Stuff like how come hot dog buns and packages of hot dogs don’t have the same amount in them. I’ve been wondering about that for a long time.

Course for me it only matters when I’m in the mood for hot dogs. And then while I’m at the store sometimes I think about the bun and dog problem.

If it bugs me too much then I just end up buying stuff to make hamburgers. They don’t seem to worry about that kind of problem with burgers since you can buy all the meat you eat from the meat section.

That butcher dude though gets a bit snooty when I ask him to make it into burgers. Just because I ask him to shape them to look like jelly beans you would think I was asking the impossible.


Blogger Broo said...

EGH! I have these same thoughts... like chicken pot pie. Im sorry, but I believe pies should be under the dessert category ONLY and chicken, has no business IN a pie! :)

8:40 PM  

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