Friday, May 05, 2006


I can’t say I really get this that much. I heard this dude on the television who is always rambling about this and that talking about not booting the messenger because of the messenger. Well, I’m sorry, if some messenger has bad news to give me and he acts snooty about it I’m probably going to be inclined to want to show me the end of a boot.

Personally I can say I haven’t known too many messengers. We did have one neighbor who used to work delivering singing telegrams. But I think there was something phony about those telegrams. I mean I was talking to him once when he was fixing to deliver a singing telegram and I never saw any telegram or heard it singing.

But I never felt inclined to boot him for that. Maybe feel sorry for him in case he was like that other guy I knew who used to carry on conversations with light bulbs that he said told him the secrets of the universe.

In any case I guess this messengering stuff is pretty dang important to who ever spends time needing to get some messengering done. And maybe some of those people who do the deliveries sort of got pissed or stressed out and that made them way too grumpy.

Perhaps they even did too much of the booting part. That could be a big problem you know. Yeah I wouldn’t want to have some dude banging on my door demanding me to open the door just so he could shove a message in my face.

As for me, I’m just happy sending stuff by mail. Yeah that post office guy that brings our mail is pretty decent and friendly. Although I have noticed he does wear boots. So you never know what he might do when around others. At least he’s decent when I talk to him.

I guess I’ll see if I can find out more about this booting and messengering thing before making up my mind on if it is important or not. Not sure where I’ll begin for sure yet.

Maybe I ought to you know head over and see if I can find the place in the sky where those dudes come from who have the UP trucks. I never see any wings on those trucks so I don’t know how they get UP, wherever it is, but they must get there somehow.

Meanwhile, I will be on the lookout for any messengers coming around with boots. It never hurts to be careful. They might be sneaky and that would be a problem if they went around booting you when you weren’t looking.

Gosh it is amazing how something like a messenger could end up having so many complicated aspects that you just never think of. But I always figure that is the important part of what I do. The thinking that not everyone else has time to do.

And someday maybe I’ll even be ready to explain everything. Although with my luck it will come by some messenger with boots.

Thought for the week: "If all is well that ends well do we get some other kind of thing to drink from when all ends crappy? Man I hate to think what is in that water."


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