Saturday, April 29, 2006


How come this really doesn’t have anything to do with giving? Ain’t sharing where you have something and give part of it to somebody else? That is what I thought.

But I guess there is some secret code or type of giving that don’t relate to regular sharing. At least it seems that way from what I heard the other day over at STINK.

Actually it was at STINK, but not about STINK in this case. We had this television in the break room that somebody brought in. We were sitting around and watching for the heck of it.

They put it on this thing called a talk show. Well heck that didn’t make much sense to me. I mean they were talking, but it wasn’t much of a show.

Anyway the dude in charge who they called the host was listening to people generally griping about all kinds of crap. Then he would ask the to share how that made them feel.

I’m sorry, but sharing to me is like passing around a plate of brownies or fresh baked cookies. Even a piece of cake is cool, but feelings? How do you eat them?

I’m telling you it just didn’t make any sense. I kept listening and every once and a while that guy who was the host would say “thank you for sharing.” Only the thing was about the only thing that happened was a lot of complaining.

The way I figure if they had taken the time to share something tasty then maybe they would be so in need of being upset about all the stuff that they were pissed about. And maybe a few more brownies and a little less talking and then you would have more them people smiling and not looking so grumpy.

I know they had this phone number to call for that thing called a talk show. So I dialed it and when it was my chance to talk I told them if they would stop bitching so much and do some real type of sharing maybe everyone would be a lot happier.

But I never got to talk to that host dude. They guy who answered the phone just sort of listened and then wanted to know if I wanted to be on the show. He said they had one coming up for people who were utterly stupid.

Well shoot, I thought about how I might help him out by getting on there with those other people and helping them to stop being so stupid. When I mentioned that it would be cool and asked him what kind of brownies they had to share he said they didn’t have any brownies.

Man I told him to forget it. I sure don’t want to waste time having to be around all those really dumb people if nobody is going bother offering my anything good to eat that they were willing to share. I explained all of that, but he hung up before I got a chance to explain the right kind of sharing. I guess I had a bad connection.


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