Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I heard this said about one of those wheels they spin with numbers on it. They will turn it and say something like “Around and around she goes and where she stops nobody knows.”

Now the first thing I want to know is how come this wheel is a she? As far I can tell the thing is an “it.” And let me tell you man these days with people getting so easily offended when you say something different about them I’m surprise nobody has griped about this one. It is sort of saying the wheel is fickle and can’t make up its mind. But I guess I better not say too much otherwise somebody will blame me for saying it.

Anyway once you get passed that weird question the next thing I wonder about is why do they say where she stops nobody knows. I mean the moment that the wheel stops everybody who sees it knows where it stopped. I tell you it makes it sound like it is some big secret and to me that just don’t work that way.

What is real crazy to me is when I saw one of these wheels over at this carnival people were paying to guess on what number it would stop at. Shoot I had not problem guessing, only I didn’t have to pay to do so. I just guessed. Seems simple to me.

But all those folks sure got worried over which number might be the one that ended up with the pointer on it. Didn’t upset me though.

The way I figured it would make more sense if you are going to pay to guess that you try doing it after you don’t have to guess. That way you will always be right.

And you know I tried to help by pointing it out to a bunch of people, but I didn’t find too many that wanted to stop paying to guess. They just sort of looked at me like I was weird. The way I figure it they were the weird ones since it wasn’t costing me anything to guess.

The funny thing too was that when somebody did guess right the guy operating the wheel would give them a stuffed animal. Shoot I hardly figured that some stuffed animal was a big deal. Why since that guy operating the wheel was being so generous when I did guess right I just went up and grabbed a stuff animal for myself.

He was sort of busy when I went up there so I just picked it up. But then I dropped it later and this other guy picked it up.

That’s when things got sort of ugly. The guy operating the wheel looked around and started complaining about how he was missing one of his stuff animals. Then he saw the other guy holding the one I picked up.

Man he sure went nuts in the process and started to beating on the guy who did have the stuffed animals. I left after that. I figured if the guy who operated the wheel was going to be some kind Indian giver I didn’t want to hang around and watch.


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