Friday, April 21, 2006


Oh yeah this can be fun. Providing the shouting is a cheer and not a bunch of pissed off people. That kind of crowd isn’t one that normally is a lot of fun.

Believe me I know the difference. And let me tell you if you don’t know the difference it can end up being down right painful.

There was a time when my buddy Otis and I were on the trail of a real creep of a griminal. I’m telling you from the evidence we saw this person was a real slime ball. Talk about littering. Man I can’t begin to give details for fear it might gross some people out.

Well the thing is we keep following this suspect, that is a person you know is guilty, but can’t prove it. I keep hearing them talking about guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. Shoot shadows or no shadows never affected whether I felt some jerk of a suspect was guilty.

Anyway we finally caught up with the person I was convinced was a lying, dirty rotten filth spewing creep. I got to him before Otis could arrive so I started making sure I got him to confess and save time once my buddy did finally arrive.

And nothing to me achieves that better than using my bat. Yep, a few whacks really can be a great attention getter.

So there I was whacking on this creep and all of sudden people gathered around me and got all upset because I was teaching him lesson. Can you believe they had the unmitigated gall to talk about some stupid idea regarding the rights of the accused. I don’t care if somebody I’m accusing is right handed, that don’t keep me from wanting to be sure he confesses.

And I tried to explain that to everyone. That’s the time I sure wish I had a badge as well as a beanie. But in any case after I started explaining about how this jerk was a slime ball and made messes a lot and was generally a rotten guy they sort of calm down. By the time Otis got there I was pretty satisfied that thing were okay.

It might have even stayed that way too if it hadn’t been for that darn old lady who came by. There I was standing over the suspect, bat in hand and feeling pretty darn good and having a few of the people even talking about me being a hero.

That’s when that old lady shouted out “What do you think you are doing to my church’s Pastor?”

Boy did the crowd sure get huffy after that. Happy, wasn’t the word for the way they behaved!

Well like I said they sure did change and we’re the least bit understanding about me making an little mistake. I nearly managed to say OOPS before we ended up running down the street and losing them after ducking behind this dumpster.

Thought for the week: They say time flies when you're having fun. But does that mean it if sprangs a wing you only get to chuckle?"


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