Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Is this a silly comment or what? I always thought it was weird that they make a big deal about this regarding things like planes, trains and buses. Pretty much anything that has a time schedule.

We don’t do this with other stuff involving transportation though. Like people driving regular cars. Nobody seems to worry if those run on time. But when you see all the people who are speeding it does make you wonder if perhaps they ought to be more worried about the on time thing.

And how come it doesn’t apply to repair people? I mean why is it okay when you waiting the cable repair dude he’s not Mr. On time, but Mr. I’ll get there when I darn well feel like it! Doesn’t this dude own a watch or what?

It is like with car mechanics. I never have to worry about it with my moped, but my buddy and I, Otis have had to take a diaper service van in for repairs on some occasions. Let me tell you, “on time” with those jerks more like “check back with me in two days” time of on time. Yeah that is really helpful!

Now if you really want to talk about people who have no clue on the subject of on time, let’s talk about doctors. They may be professionals at healing folks, but you just better be darn sure you don’t have a sickness and need healed in a hurry. At least not until you have finished filling out the insurance paperwork. For some reason they can’t cure you without that paperwork.

Course that is just part of the fun with this on time thing. There are other exciting places that “on time” are sort of a joke. Like at the post office. I mean on time there is basically on the time when they don’t have to take a lunch break. That always comes after you’ve waited in line with about a dozen other people first. In fact I really wonder why the even bother to put a clock up in the place. I guess it is just to torture you with the illusion they ever bother to look at it.

I think instead of on time we sure have on no time for a category. It sure would fit more situations than this on time thing.

At least with my garbage route it doesn’t matter much, which to me is sort of weird though. I mean if you don’t pick up garbage it will eventually rot and really stink. But nobody stands out there and looks at their watch waiting to gripe at us if we are late since most people are asleep when we pick up their garbage. I guess I’m grateful for that part. I don’t really want somebody giving me an attitude that time of the morning. I might be inclined to dump their garbage on their heads if they did.

In the meantime, I think I’m going to point out to the airlines how “delayed” isn’t a good option to “on time.” I think they ought to call it “on oops” since you know darn well somebody screwed up when they are delayed. Just getting them to admit it isn’t that easy. Perhaps with a little help though. Like using my bat on some snooty counter person the next time they try smiling and trying to blame a lack of on time as being due to some stupid clouds and bad weather. Like I should believe that one!


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