Friday, April 07, 2006


That is the way I feel sometimes. I’m talking about the times when your tummy is punishing you because it didn’t like what you ate. I just wish it would say something before making me sick to the point I want to die.

Like the other day. I was really starving. Well okay I guess I wasn’t starving, but I was really hungry.

Otis was out running errands, so I went into the kitchen to fix myself a nice snack. I mean is there anyone who would ever call a snack a bad one anyway?

So there I was in the kitchen and trying to figure out what sounded the best to eat. As usual my stomach didn’t make any suggestions or complaints.

I ended up making myself a sandwich. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Oh yeah I threw in some potato chips, jelly beans, bananas and a brownie for filler.

Actually I was very proud of my creation. I used a whole loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter and also one of jelly. I admit it was incredible tall and I had to sort of break it down in small sections to eat, but it sure was one heck of a sandwich.

Then I wash it down with a gallon of milk and some root beer. And not once did my stomach complain one bit.

Lucky for me Otis didn’t get back till I managed to clean up everything. Well the thing was he asked me if I was hungry because he wanted to go and get something to eat.

I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I said sure. So we ended up going over to the burger joint. I figured I better eat enough so it didn’t look like I wasn’t hungry. I think ordering three double cheeseburgers and six fries was enough to do that.

Afterwards Otis thought it might be nice if we took some donuts home for dessert. I mean who can say no to a nice bunch of donuts? So we stopped by and bought four dozen.

And not to hurt Otis’ feelings I managed to polish off a couple of dozen. He seemed to appreciate my showing him how I had been so hungry even though I was having a hard time moving by then.

Otis go into one of those funny eat healthy moods. That meant we had to have something that he figured was nutritious. Well out of all the options he suggested, I settle for a banana.

Then after I ate it boy did my stomach start feeling queasy for no good reason. It was the next morning till I stopped feeling sick. I learned my lesson from that though. No last minute fruit snacks!

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come the eyes have it? Is this some kind of plot by eye doctors to get us to ignore the rest of the body?"


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