Sunday, April 02, 2006


This thrifty business can be cool I suppose. I mean thrift stores really do have lots of great bargains at times. But since they don’t sell jelly beans I don’t always end up finding myself as enthused about them as I might otherwise want to be.

However with my boss, Dr. Hemoglobin, being thrifty is about as important as cleanliness. Now the Reverend Analbe claims that godliness is next to cleanliness. Which never seemed to make much sense to me since I never see any churches located next to places that sell cleaning supplies. You would kind of figure that if they were that closely related it would work that way, but it doesn’t.

And I’ve noticed the same holds true for thrift stores. I haven’t noticed they are necessarily next to any cleaning supply places either. So perhaps both my boss and Reverend Analbe got that part confused in some way or they are talking about some special store I don’t know about.

In either case all I know is that Dr. Hemoglobin can preach about being thrifty just about as darn well as the Reverend Analbe preaches against sin. That sure says a lot too, let me tell you. I mean man, with the Reverend you can be darn sure no matter whether you did anything wrong before he started talking that you will sure feel guilty afterwards. Why heck he makes me so depressed and feeling crummy that I feel like I should apologize for breathing.

Well with Dr. Hemoglobin it works about the same in terms of this thrifty thing. Man he’s got lots of cool things to say on the subject. Stuff like “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Personally I’ve never spent much time with pennies so I have no idea doing much of anything whether it felt safe or not.

The one thing I do know is after he gets done with all his talking about being thrifty he almost never mentions actually going to a thrift shop. Which I always figured was kind of weird. I mean if being thrifty is such a big deal then why the heck doesn’t he at least cough up a few bucks to let us go there and enjoy them.

Plus I’m not sure he is as big a fan of them as he claims at times. Why last year for Christmas I figured he loved being thrifty that much then I would buy him a present from there.

So I went over there and picked up something I thought was cool and he would enjoy. He said thank you, but his eyes sure didn’t look that impressed.

I guess that thanks I get for trying to do something thoughtful like show him I paid attention to all his talking on the subject. Plus I figured you know finding something you just couldn’t get anywhere else was important too. Where the heck else are you going to find a lime green tie that is incredibly wide and has pink hippos dancing on it? I thought for sure he would appreciate that part. But so far I haven’t seen him wear it. Just goes to show that even when somebody says it is the thought that counts when talking about gift giving that it doesn’t always include stuff from a thrift store!


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