Monday, March 27, 2006


The person that said this probably never got stuck in a rain storm. Because a smile won’t in anyway keep you dry. And if you have a smile in a rain storm, I kind of think the rain isn’t what is making you all wet.

Now I do know a few dudes who might think a smile and umbrella are the same thing or just as good. Yep I definitely know some unusual types of folks. Which is cool to me. I mean same is kind of boring at times. I find talking to guy who thinks cactus are plotting to eat his underwear as pretty darn interesting.

So for those guys they would use a smile for an umbrella. Well they would probably use a smile for toilet paper too. I don’t want to talk about that part.

Which I guess is the whole joy I have at times. I get to look forward to knowing that no matter how dumb a saying is there is somebody out there that thinks it is cool.

About the only place it real makes a difference for me that is more than just something you hear and don’t care about is with grimefighting. I mean a griminal probably doesn’t even use an umbrella and about the only time he smiles is when he messes something up.

That’s when I use my bat as an umbrella to sort of whack smile off his face. Which makes me smile and that is one time I can stay like that in any storm. Only one little clue is that if you decide to whack a griminal for a smile just be sure he really is a griminal. Because some people are just messy by nature. And if you whack every messy person just for being messy the cops have a tendency to give you some place to stay for a very long time where you won’t even need an umbrella.


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