Monday, March 20, 2006


Now this can be so cool if you are talking about something that is suppose to glow in the first place. I don’t think people are supposed to actually glow like a light at least. I’ve heard that expecting mothers glow so I reckon it might have something to do with the expecting part. Since I know I’m never going to be one of those I have tried to ask what makes them glow so much.

About the only other time I figure a person might glow would be if they were struck by lightning or stuck your finger in a light bulb socket. I don’t recommend it though. I don’t imagine it makes things look better if that does happen.

Anyway the big deal to me about glowing in the wind is that if you can figure out a way to be glowing without electricity and also not from being on fire while in some big wind that is to me a pretty darn good trick. I got no idea how you manage it.

There was once, in the middle of a night when Otis and I was on night grime patrol. And it was a really windy night too. Well we were looking for this one jerk of a griminal and pretty much figured where he liked to hang out. It was over in the industrial part of town. And so we headed over there. It took a while, but we did finally catch up with the person we thought was the guy.

I can’t say for sure we were successful because the guy we were chasing ended up not being really guilty of doing much we figured was wrong though. He didn’t really do much talking either. He just sort of stood there, but he did glow. That much I know. Dressed kind of funny too, mainly wore this bed sheet. Plus you know it was kind of strange how to me he managed to glow with a green light.

Otis sort of didn’t say much and since the guy didn’t do any talking we had to let him go. But I think he used to work for Mr. Mammongrabber. At least from what Otis said. Because he is the only one who has a factory that makes stuff they call “supplements” or something like that, only it ends up glowing in the dark too. So do the dudes who work there at times. We just assume that one dude worked there.

Still it was kind of cool to see him hovering there in the wind and I couldn’t see any wires to keep him dangling off the ground about two feet. I wish I could have asked him more but he disappear by going inside this factory. He must have found a secret entrance because he went right through the wall and I couldn’t see any door. That was a pretty neat trick I thought.

So anytime I’m out on a windy night I think of that guy. In fact I saw him just the other night. I guess he went to work for the cemetery because that was where he was hanging out when I saw him. He still isn’t very social though. Didn’t even seem to know I was there. He just floated across the ground, glowing and wearing that green sheet like before. I got to admit he must not have been feeling well since he did moan a lot. Maybe it was something he ate. If I see him again I’ll try to ask him. Only I’ll have to wait till I can find him by myself. Otis acted really antisocial when we saw that dude. He got pale and every time since then that I’ve tried to ask him about going over at night on a windy evening to visit the dude he just always makes up an excuse.


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