Monday, March 13, 2006


Well all three of these things, er, I guess I should say items so as to not confuse, um, ME. Anyway, it all starts with a ring of the telephone. That is when we get a call at the apartment with a list of things we got to do. Normally my buddy Otis gets in these moods at times to have us do something nice for others, which generally translates into an errand.

You know the funny thing is that when I see the comic books stories about super heroes and see them in the movies, they are always good guys, but I never seem THEM being asked to run errands for somebody. Somehow I think my buddy needs to spend a little more time studying up on what a super hero really does. Because as far as I’m concerned as super heroes we are the only ones that have to do stuff like take out somebody’s trash or go shopping for them.

I guess I ought to be grateful that we don’t have this fancy costumes with capes like some super heroes. I tell you if we had to dress like that on some errands it sure would end in us doing something other than impressing people. It might end up in a fight that’s for sure and that is hardly a way to build a positive rep as a super hero.

The other thing that kind of bugs me is I wish we had some different kind of super powers other than having what Otis calls a super appetite. Oh that is great and helpful when you go over to the buffet even if they guys that work there aren’t impressed, but it just isn’t quite the same as say being able to leap some building in a single pound or hound or whatever that is.

But no matter how many times I fill out the request and turn it in at STINK so far they haven’t bothered to offer me in any extra super powers. I keep hoping, but so far it hasn’t happened.

And that is what helps to lead to the dings part of this whole deal. See I figure if we had more stuff like say super strength, well even perhaps more than a little strength like we do now then when we picked junk up we wouldn’t accidentally drop the heavy stuff and get so many dings in stuff.

However fair is fair. I mean if somebody is going to send us to the store to buy groceries and they are heavy we might dropped them. I tell you a real frozen half-gallon of ice cream can sure get heavy lugging it from the store to our moped!

Now you try to get some people to appreciate that fact. Do they ever appreciate how we are doing them a favor? Do they say thank you Mr. Less than Super, Super Hero for doing me a good deed? I wish.

I reckon though as long as we try and help we at least have the satisfaction we did the right thing. Oh the left thing, depending on which side of the street the store happens to be on. In any case, I know as long as my buddy insists, then we will keep up with his version Super Hero stuff. And I also know that will include plenty of more rings, things and dings.


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