Saturday, March 04, 2006


I just don’t get it. I mean boxes are great. You can keep junk in them and cardboard has lots of good values. But eating a box? Who thought up that lame idea?

Okay cardboard is made from trees. I’ll grant you that. And I suppose that sort of qualifies as plant life for some. However I’m sorry, even with lots of ketchup or sugar or even peanut butter it just don’t sound all that tasty to me.

Still I do try to appreciate that well people are different and who am I to question somebody else’s appetite? So if making a sandwich out of a box is your idea of cool then fine. I just hope you don’t bother to invite me for lunch!

I do sort wonder though. Now do the person who likes eating things made out of boxes do they prefer used boxes or new ones? After all with a used box you sort of have to worry about what was in it. If it was crackers or cereal, no problem since they don’t taste bad. But what if it had something really disgusting in it? Such as that junk they use to kill snails. I sure wouldn’t want to bite down on any cardboard sandwich made from that kind of junk.

Which also makes me wonder if they somehow do something with the box that makes it so you don’t know what kind of box it was before you ate it? See I bet not everyone would think of that. I just think it would be a really good thing to know.

I guess I should be grateful that as far as I know most of the people I hang around with aren’t big box lunch types. In fact the only place I know that is big on that kind of think is over at this one school. That’s because my buddy Otis and I were over there once and I heard this one teacher talking about box lunches.

I did stop by the cafeteria, but I didn’t see any boxes in the lunch stuff. I was glad those kids didn’t have to eat something like that.

And all I can hope is that while some teaching my have a thing about eating boxes that she doesn’t insist on making any poor little kid eat it. That ain’t the kind of lesson they should be teaching if you ask me.

If it is all I can say is that I’m sure glad I don’t have to go to any school like that. At least when I was in school you got regular food. I was sure grateful for that reality.

Meanwhile, I think I’m going to check out this whole box lunch thing a little more. I think it never hurts to be sure that you don’t miss out on something good. Not sure where I’m going to start though.

Maybe I’ll do something like stop by the store and pick up a few boxes of whatever. I’ll probably get some extra ketchup and chocolate while I’m at it. Never hurts to have extra of those. There just is hardly any thing you can eat that doesn’t taste better with some chocolate added. I hope that applies to boxes too.


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