Tuesday, February 28, 2006


You ever have a chance to use a boomerang? I did once, but I would mind trying one again. Only I figured for the benefit of those who haven’t had a chance to used one, I’d share a couple of pointers.

Now in my case what happened was that I got to go on this nature walk. Actually I sort invited myself. I had stopped by the library one day and heard some lady talking about getting in touch with nature. She mentioned how she would be hosting this walk to help folks learn more about nature.

After hearing her talk about it I just went in and asked if I could join. At the time I was thinking when she said nature she was talking about natural as in all natural foods. Well I’m not a big fan of stuff like that weird health food, but I thought shoot if they were going to walk to some place that had natural food maybe you might end up being able to find some decent food along the way. Heck she had at least ten people signed up so I figured with that many surely there would have to be at least one darn decent bite to eat along the way.

So I showed up at the library at the time she said to be there. What I thought was kind of funny was that they had a bus there. I mean it sure seemed like a strange thing to have to take a bus to go for a walk. That sounded like my buddy, Otis,’ idea of a walk.

But I did get on the bus along with the other folks. And the trip was okay. The lady got up and talked about things like trees and flowers and animals. Only she didn’t necessarily call them by regular names. She would give them some weird name in a language known as Latin. I mean to me a squirrel is a squirrel, so why confuse it by calling it something else?

We never did go by any health food store or any other cool place to eat. Instead we went to the mountains. And she took us walking through a bunch of trees and was talking about all kinds of stuff on how Mother Nature works. I never thought of Mother Nature as needy a job? I wonder if she gets stuck paying income tax like the rest of us?

Anyway I was checking out this one big tree because she made a big deal about that being important. What I know was important was if you do that you got to make sure you don’t end up with your hand covered in tree sap because that stuff is so darn messy.

After we walked for a while, we stopped and that’s when she took this boomerang out her backpack. She said she was going to teach us how to use it as the entertainment part of the walk. I would have preferred some snacks myself, but she didn’t offer any.

Well the thing was she let me try it first. And I had all this tree sap on my hands. Oh I didn’t manage to throw it and it did come back like she said. But when the next person tried it the sap I got on it ended up in it getting stuck to her hand, which was sort of funny later, but she wasn’t laughing later.

So here’s my boomerang tip. Always make sure you check for tree sap on a boomerang anytime you get a chance to throw one while on some nature hike that doesn’t really take you anywhere that has any good food.


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