Saturday, February 18, 2006


I bet you’ve heard that saying, “been there, done that.” Well as good as that sounds I always get bored with that saying. Mainly because it seems like the person saying it is implying that they did whatever and it was boring so if you don’t believe them you are stupid. That is my interpretation of course. You understanding my be different.

What occurred to me the most is that I honestly don’t even know if the person actually has been there, wherever there is suppose to be. Oh they can claim it all they want, but I doubt they will try to prove it. That is the part that worries me a little. I mean what if the there they are talking about isn’t really the there you are talking about? Yeah there are a lot of things where you get stuff like that and a there can be more than one place.

Like if you say mall you could me a lot of malls and it don’t mean they are all the same. At least from what I can tell some are different from others.

So to me the real important thing to start with is making sure they are really talking about the right there. Funny thing though if you ask the wrong way then the person gets sort of bent out of shape and figures you are saying they are dumb or something. That sure don’t work for me.

That is the one thing that makes this whole deal a real pain in the butt. I mean most of the time I’m just sitting in the lunchroom at STINK and minding my own business. Then my buddy Otis will come in and casually mention something we have to do once we have finished saving the world from filth and grime for the day.

You can be pretty sure than whatever it is we have to do that some other grimefighter is going to speak up and say “been there and done that.” And I know it just ain’t possible that they could have all done everything.

One of these times I’m thinking of doing something really silly in that regards. Like saying I got an appointment to have them drill a hole in my head. Boy let one of those guys say “been there, done that” and the first thing I’m going to say is “show me the hole!”

I admit if they do I’ll probably feel kind of foolish, but I have an idea that won’t happen. Although I know that there are plenty of times when my buddy Otis is talking about some grimefighter and says how they need to have their heads examined. Otis never says the “been there, done that” thing too often thank goodness.

But I reckon if he thinks some of the grimefighters spend a lot of time getting their heads looked at perhaps a few do have a hole I don’t know about. Still it will be fun to just see what they say.

Course knowing my luck one of those guys would run into the kitchen to find a drill just to put a hole long enough to say, “been there, done that.” Yeah they are that wacky about junk like that. Oh well that is a problem for another time.


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