Monday, February 13, 2006


You can take my word for this one. If somebody starts out a sentence with “in deep” it ain’t going to get better when they finish the sentence.

Deep just ain’t the kind of word that seems to go with good things as far as I can tell. It almost always comes with something not so good. At least from what I have noticed.

Basically in too many ways it gets around to being connected with something like trouble. Because if it is something good it seems to end up with some other kind of word like a heap you get to stand on top of as oppose to a mess you get buried underneath.

As a grimefighter I naturally have to be concerned with deep in terms of messiness. Oh I do enjoy when I can get some stupid griminal to clean up his or her own mess, but sometimes after you bash them unconscious they aren’t able to do a whole lot of cleaning.

In a way that really gripes me too. Here I am the good guy, super hero type and I’m out saving the world from filth and grime. And if I’ve done a good job then I stop some jerk from doing something really dirty.

That to me deserves a reward. I just don’t think being handed some broom and dustpan after doing some super hero deed and having to clean up that jerk’s mess as a good option. It sure doesn’t feel like much of a reward to me.

The big problem is that if I don’t clean the crap up and leave it then people complain. Do they appear grateful I kept the mess from getting worse? Nope? Do they even care that I prevented the same thing from happening again by catching the bad guy? Not at all.

All I end up with is some whining on their part about the mess that is still hanging around. So I get stuck thanks to my boss Dr. Hemoglobin with having to do the cleaning part.

He insists I got to do it in order to promote good public relations. Of course I have noticed the promoting part is always the kind where I have to do the cleaning part. He loves to do promoting too, but with him it ends up amounting to him basically giving a lot of speeches and me still doing the cleaning part.

So when I get stuck there doing some clean up I just keep asking myself how come being in deep can be something good just once. Like say being in deep in terms of say a huge pile of jelly beans? Heck I wouldn’t even need a dust pan or broom for that type of mess. I could gladly eat my way through that chore.

However that would be my first choice. So far I haven’t found any griminals who like to make messes with jelly beans. Some people can be so darn unreasonable in that sense.

I keep hoping though. You never know when one can luck out and in deep with be cause for a smile. At least I’ll continue to hope that there are jelly beans out there waiting in some deep pile to be cleaned up. Hey we all can dream!


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