Friday, February 03, 2006


Wouldn’t it be so cool if everybody in the world were understanding and cooperative? I mean in terms of accept that what you were doing was a good thing.

What bugs me the most at times is how no matter how good your reason for doing something you can pretty much be sure not every will have a little understanding about it. Wish it were otherwise, but it isn’t. Which I guess is why I have had to use my bat to be sure I made understanding work for some people. True, it is hard when they are lying unconscious for them to have a little understanding, but at least they stop bitching for a while.

I’ve been trying to come up with a good way to improve the problem of having a little understanding. At first I figured it simply required you know being able to explain things good enough.

Then I noticed with some people they end up starting out talking so much that they never give you a chance to try and explain in a way that makes it easy to understand. Of course a lot depends on what you are trying to explain I guess.

Some things are definitely harder to explain than others. For example if Otis goes into the ice box and all the chocolate is gone and I have chocolate smeared all over my face it normally doesn’t listen to good in terms of me trying to explain why so he can have a little understanding. (I have since learned in those situations to make sure I’ve washed off my face right after I eat the candy so I have a better chance of claiming it wasn’t me that ate it all. I tried once to blame it on Granny Potts, but since she is a diabetic and don’t eat candy he didn’t buy that one!)

Then it occurred to me that perhaps the best way to get some understanding was to try and explain as many things to people as possible so they got more used to you explaining junk. And every once and a while I run into somebody who seems to know all kinds of stuff. So I figured if I tell them what I was told by that person it will help even more with understanding.

Which is what I was doing the other day at the park. I ran into some kids who were there with their parents having a picnic. Well before having lunch they decide to play some games and I was sitting on this bench and ended up talking to them between games.

I figured kids haven’t had as much chance to learn stuff as adults so I thought it was best to tell them stuff them might not have had a chance yet to know. Now this pal of mine was telling me about the history of fig trees. It was all very mysterious and amazing at the same time.

According to him fig trees first came about when pigs could fly. That was way back during the time when I guess there were all kinds of different kinds of animals than were have today. At least according to my buddy. Then they had this ice age, which he said was when they had a famine in ice cubes. Well apparently them poor flying pigs just got so exhausted from flying and being thirsty from the lack of ice that they gave up and landed in some trees. In time they got stuff there and well then you had this thing call evo-solution or something like that and the next thing you know the flying pigs were turned into figs.

I guess I impressed the kids because they went back and told their parents. I reckon they must have been late for some appointment they forgot because the next thing I know they all left the park without even having their picnic. Gosh it did make me feel good to share my buddy’s wisdom. And if he even stops having to spend all his time in that bedroom with padded walls I bet he can tell more people himself.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “No man may be an island, but there sure are some people you wish would end up stranded on a deserted one!”


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