Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I love when my buddy Otis tells me this. That is because when he says it I know he won’t bore me with a whole lot of other junk at the same time.

Now if he says “yes” then look out. Because yes with him means he’s going to give some speech to go along with it as if the word yes needs some kind of explanation.

However with plain old yep, man it just comes out by itself and that is so cool. The best part of course is that it means he agrees with something I say.

That don’t happen too often so that is another reason I really get jazzed when he says “yep.” It really just makes whatever I said or are thinking about sound so much better.

In either case the one thing I do know is that even yes is better than no. And you know the funny thing with my buddy Otis is that when he says no or nope it always comes with a lecture. I haven’t got that part quite figured out, but all I know is that anytime he says something that requires either a yes or no, only the word yep comes without a lecture.

All I wish was that I could figure a better way of making sure he said just yep more often. I do try, but sometimes he really does surprise me a lot. I’ll be sitting there thinking, this time I know he’ll see it the same way I do and whammo he’ll end up saying something that needs a lecture.

Of course I know the smart thing would be if I didn’t ever ask him any questions in the first place. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Only that is tough to do. The main reason is because we do spend a lot of time together as buds and also since we work together. So I can hardly avoid it completely. I might want to, but it just don’t happen.

See the toughest part is that since we do work together then there are times well when thinks don’t quite work out as I would hope. Oh shoot, what can I say, I screw up?

That’s when Otis will always ask me junk like how come I did something. So when he asks I sort of feel a need even if there ain’t any good reason to give him one. And in the process darn it all there are times when I have to ask him a question that requires him to either say yes or no. I just can’t avoid that possibility no matter how hard I try.

But I keep hoping I’ll work out that part eventually. For now I’m just trying to learn enough cool ways to change the subject when he asks me a question that might result in me having a reason to ask him a question that he has to answer with a yes or no.

Until then the one thing I’m definitely working on is not screwing up as much. That is I’m working on ways to make sure if I do that he doesn’t find out about it. And let me tell you that can sure be tough when he’s standing next to me when I goof up.


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