Thursday, January 19, 2006


Will somebody please tell me who a nut you can’t eat is really good for anything? Now with that darn plastic fruit I haven’t got a problem. I seldom eat fruit anyway so having it lying around as a fake decoration is no big deal.

But when it comes to nuts if you make me see some and I can’t eat them then happy or understanding is not going to describe my feelings. And of all the people in the whole wide world that should know that you would figure my buddy Otis would be at top of the list.

At least I thought so. That was until the other day. He really messed me up with this talk about getting a bag of nuts. Man the more he talked the more my mouth started watering about the idea of having a chance to snack on some nice tasty nuts.

There we were tooling down the road and Otis doing all this talk about how he planned on buying a really big bag of nuts and getting different sizes and types. You can be darn sure that the longer we traveled and the more he talked the more my tummy was screaming feed me.

The funny thing was I asked him if these would come with any shells or salted. And he told me these kinds of nuts didn’t have either. So I figured that these must sure be some extra cool and great nuts if they didn’t have any shells.

We kept cruising along and eventually came to a grocery store. I got out with my brain really full of all kinds of images of nuts and ready to help get as many bags of them as Otis said we were going to get.

Well I hope you can imagine my confusion when I started over to the aisle that is where the nuts were located and Otis told me not to bother. Oh we went shopping, but didn’t by a single darn nut.

I was really confused, but then Otis said we were going to get the nuts at a different store. So I figured man that must mean going to the mall. I didn’t know they had a store that just sold nuts, but I figured if they had opened one I would be ready to visit.

Then Otis really drove me nuts, er sorry for the pun, but I couldn’t believe it when we came to the mall and he kept driving! By now I’m starting to freak out and figured that he must have forgotten all about the nuts.

He pulled into this home improvement place and I decided to stay in the van. There didn’t seem to be any point going into that store. I knew they didn’t sell any decent nuts.

Otis came back a few minutes later with a small bag. And to my surprise after that we went home. Well I sure was shocked and asked him what about the nuts? He told me he got them at the home improvement store.

That sure didn’t make sense, but he was in a hurry and I figured I’d look in the bag after we got home. Let me tell you those were the dumbest looking nuts I ever saw. They were made out of metal I guess and kind of octagon shaped. I tried to eat one, but nearly broke a tooth on it. Just a word to the wise then, if you have a buddy who says he’s going shopping for nuts make sure they are the kind you can eat. Your teeth will thank you.


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