Thursday, January 12, 2006


You ever been in one of those stores full of the kind of junk that is called Knick Crap? Or maybe it is Knick Knock? I’m not sure, but in either case it is stuff that breaks easy and normally is real expensive and you can’t do much with it, but look at it.

Want bugs me is to go into one of those places and see the sign that says, “Please don’t touch.” Like I want to touch the stuff in the first place. I mean I can’t do anything fun with it anyway so why bother to pick it up.

It is kind of like they tell you that just to sort of bug you. As if they are saying, “Hey I got this totally cute, but otherwise worthless over priced item here and don’t you dare touch it.”

Where is the fun in that is what I want to know? I prefer places that don’t care if you touch stuff. But normally if they don’t mind if you touch it then it generally means it ain’t breakable either. Which is a good thing in some ways too.

If it were up to me I would never even go near one of those stupid don’t touch places. They never have any cool stuff anyway.

But for some reason my buddy Otis gets in these moods where he thinks it is fun to go to some place that sells antiques and junk and do some of what he calls browsing. Personally that to me is sort of the same thing as brown nosing only you are sucking up to somebody who isn’t going to do anything for you in the process.

About the only good that I see in any of it is if we go some place that has refreshments like cookies or hot chocolate. Then at least my tummy gets something decent.

As for Otis, well he’ll hang around and look at all the stuff and ask questions like he is really going to buy something. Heck some of that stuff even if we could afford it I wouldn’t want it. I wouldn’t have any idea what to do with it.

Will somebody explain to me what good it is to have something called a bed pan? It is too small to put a bed in it if you are supposed to wash the bed with it. Just not something I figure is of much value.

Then there is that thing called a soup tureen. I’ve not a big fan of soup, but I know what thing whatever kind of animal a tureen is doesn’t sound like one I want in any soup. I bet it is some kind of turtle. Yuck! I don’t want to eat any turtle. Besides how long would you have to cook it before that darn shell would get soft enough to eat. And I can imagine it would taste that good in the first place.

So as for me I can’t imagine ever needing a thing called a soup tureen since I don’t plan on even trying to find out where you get a tureen to cook in the first place.

But I reckon that won’t keep my buddy from asking about then. All I know if I ever come home and he’s fixing dinner and hands me a bowl of soup with some tureen shell in it, I’m passing on eating it.


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