Wednesday, January 04, 2006


There were talking over at this one discount store about the idea of mixed and match. Something about how you could with some products that had different parts you could buy how you could switch and buy different ones and it would work as good. That was the idea as far as I understood. So I figured I would try it and see if it was a real thing that worked.

The thing was they didn’t say exactly what you should mix or match. I had sort of gotten interested in jig saw puzzles and figured that if you get to buy more than one and mixed them some way that would be fun.

But I think somebody at their end was sort of playing a joke. Because I bought three puzzles and took some pieces out of one puzzle and let me tell you there was no way they worked with another puzzle.

What really griped me was I went to take them back and they really threw a fuss over the pieces being in a different box. Hey can I help it if they like to practice having advertising signs that don’t really mean what they say?

I decide though that maybe I ought to give them a second chance. This time I went over to the candy section. They had a bunch of boxes of chocolate. Only I don’t like certain chocolates.

Well if it was mixed and match then I figured it was no harm to open the boxes and take out the ones I liked and put them in a different box and well, you get the idea I reckon. The big problem was not being able to tell for sure what was on the inside of each chocolate. So I had to try and squeeze them to see what is on the inside.

However that didn’t work so good since I still couldn’t tell the flavor. So I ended up biting into them. That way I would know for sure.

It took a while, but I finally had one box with just the ones I liked. Course with biting into them I had a lot of spots with a half eaten piece put with another half eaten piece. The only thing was kind of messy though, but I was happy when I got it all finished.

I only wished the clerk in the store appreciated my efforts. She didn’t seem too happy with seeing all those open boxes on the floor and candy wrappers everywhere.

Oh I tried to explain about how I was just doing what the sign said, but she didn’t seem to think that was enough. And I guess the security guard she called that came also agreed.

I reckon Otis wasn’t too happy in either case. Because even though I explained it al to him he ended up having to pay the store for all the boxes I opened. Guess it might have not minded as much it if had been Spam instead of chocolate. Or if the one’s that had been left over didn’t have my slobber all over them. Sometimes I suppose I ought not to read signs and not ask questions before I figure them out. At least that is what Otis tells me is the only way he’ll let me go to the store again.


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